Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Beard Continues

  • Day 9 of the great beard experiment, and I gotta say, it doesn't look half bad. By the same token though, if it doesn't look half bad, it only looks half good I guess.
  • Espn.com is running a good set of articles on China and the women's World Cup, if you're looking for an interesting read, I recommend it.
  • So I'm reading the Bangor Daily News today, and I come across the obituary section. Right next to that... the pet obituary section.. weird.
  • Yes, I'm still watching Big Brother, and I don't know why.
  • On another tv note though, gotta say, I'm still a huge fan of The Power of Ten. One of the few game shows where its fun to play along at home. Drew Carey is hysterical and I think he'll be a very good Price is Right host.
  • Hagen Daz chocolate sorbet is fantastic stuff. I really wish I could eat more ice cream. Maybe I'll start a lactose intolerant support group.
  • So there have been all these commercials on tv recently (i know i know, i have 2 dvr's in the house, and i still watch commercials, its inexcusable) for the Universal Technical Institute, but they call it UTI for short. Did no one in the marketing dept at the school catch that? UTI? Seriously? You want to name your school after a painful infection? Do they serve nothing but cranberry juice there?
  • Downloaded two new demo's for the xbox. Dirt, car racing game, tons of fun and BioShock, a first person shooter. I just wish you could play it online.


Rob said...

The Bear Experiment might be a little more compelling to your readers if you had, you know ... "pictures" of said beard.

Rob said...

Also - a Bear Experiment WOULD be pretty interesting, too.

Unknown said...

I would also like to see picture prior to making any decision on this experiment. I also volunteer rob for the BEAR experiment.

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