Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 Resolutions

Usually, I'm one of those people that makes tons of new years resolutions, but never keeps any of them. This year, I'm going to try my darnedest to keep them, so here we go..
  • Get in shape! I'm 10-15 pounds over my high school weight and I wouldn't mind getting back down to that number. I joined a gym, so that'll help, but I don't really need to change my diet as we don't really eat a lot of junk. I think just getting active again will do the trick, or at least I hope so...
  • Swear less. I find my choice in words is getting worse and worse so I think before Future Baby arrives I should really try to clean up the language...
  • Procrastinate less. Ahhh I'll do it next year...
  • Finish a project I start. The wife and I have a habit of completing 90% of a project around the house and never getting around to those last couple of finishing touches. No more doing that...
  • Blog less, but more. As of late, my blog entries have been kind of mundane. I really don't think you guys care that I went to Target and cooked dinner on Tuesday or whatever. I used to keep a pen and paper in my pocket all the time and when something random or funny happened I'd write it down. For some reason I stopped doing that and I feel as if my blogging has suffered because of it...

So what are the chances that I keep any of these? I'd like to say 100% but who am I kidding. 2008 was interesting and wasn't exactly the best of years (economy etc) so 2009 can only get better right? Hopefully, Future Baby will arrive which could make this the best year ever, for the wife and I at least. And for all you people out there in internetland I hope you have a happy and successful 2009 too!!!

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