Sunday, August 30, 2009

What A Weekend

Fantastic weekend in Maine the past couple of days. It poured, so our yard sale got postponed, although you wouldn't know it by asking the people of Maine. We have one guy stop by at 7:30 Friday night asking if he could look at what we were selling. We have another guy ring the doorbell at 7:15am Saturday, looking to pick stuff off before we opened up shop (even though it was pouring out). When we told it it was postponed, he asked why. I said because it's raining and we don't want our stuff to get wet. This confused him to no end.

In the next two hours we had 4-5 more people ring the doorbell asking if we were still have the yard sale. One person responded, when told it was moved to next week, ooh you mean tomorrow? To which we replied, no next week. Again, this confused the bejesus out of him. It got so bad (with people milling about and cars constantly parking in front of our house) that we made up signs to hang off the porch saying that it was cancelled and would be held next weekend. Yard salers are a weird bunch.

But besides that I got to sit on the couch and watch tv all day (with alllll my channels, ooh how I missed my satellite dish) and hit the casino buffet for dinner. All you can eat for just under $13. And the food is surprisingly tasty! I made that buffet my bitch. I'm not proud, ok maybe a little proud, to say that I made 4 trips up plus desert... mmm mmm good.

Now I can't wait for next weekend.. Labor Day in Maine.. can't wait!

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