Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ice, Food and Videotape

Well, not really videos, more like digital camera short videos... more on that later..

I'm assuming everyone has seen this video already, but I thought I'd post it anyway. Notice the Presidents ninja like reaction, quickly ducking the thrown shoe. Pretty impressive actually..

So that ice storm that came in Friday...pretty nasty stuff. Luckily we didn't lose power, but my uncle did lose his cable, which is sorta like losing power cuz what are you supposed to do without cable?

It left about an inch of ice everywhere. As you can see in the following clips, our driveway is more like a skating rink at this point..

But not to be outdone..

(btw, no idea why the came in sideways. when i watch them on my computer they're the correct way)

We also did a lot of cooking this weekend. I tried making calzones.. let's see, I made a meatball and mozzarella, a steak and cheese, and a sausage and pepperoni one. I didn't use enough filling in the steak and cheese, but that's easily fixed. Otherwise they came out pretty darn tasty. We also made a sheppards pie, but we need to tinker with that recipe some more..

And lastly.. for the past six months or so I've been getting this person calling me on my cell phone. Obviously it's a wrong number, but the people on the other end don't speak english, so they don't understand me when I yell at them that it's the wrong number. They call at all hours of the day/night, and don't just call once. The other day they called 18 times. So I called Verizon and it turns out they can't block the number because it's international. It turns out, the number is from Somalia. So if anyone has any suggestions on how to get them to stop calling, please feel free to let me know.


Rob said...

My guess:
You recorded the videos with the camera sideways. The computer probably realized/corrected the problem on playback on the PC, but YouTube/Google Video won't make that correction.

Anonymous said...

Love him? Hate him? How do YOU feel about our soon to be former President? Take part in a chance to immortalize your views in book form by visiting and letting your opinion be read!

Check out the following article about

Cyber Send Off for Bush Sparks Hope for Movement for Democratic Voice in USA

When I entered the website I was struck by the comic depiction of George W. assumedly on his way back to Texas, “gettin’ outta Dodge.” I read the sample letters to Bush, which I heartily agreed with, sticking it to him but good and then I clicked over to the virtual store. While politically collectible and good for holiday gifting, there were only a few things, and reasonably priced. Nobody was out to make a killing here.

“What is it that motivated this website?” - I wondered out loud to my two kittens rolled up beside me as I sat propped against the bed board with my laptop in front of me.

I suppose I’ve become the product of the same system I have worked against for so many years as an activist and avowed socialist at that, expecting everything to be based in the profit motive.

And why shouldn’t I expect that? After all we just had eight years of a White House run almost exclusively for profit. And I don’t mean only for the profit of the big banks that run the economy. Bush and Cheney went over the top, enriching the very companies in which the cabal of cronies running the government had major shares and no one has cared enough to stop them. They did it in Iraq. They did it through sewing fear at home with the notion of the homeland security state. They even did it with Hurricane Katrina. Government has been downsized, even the Pentagon. The role of governing has been privatized with no-bid sub-contractors profiting the same guys running the country! Once again, so much for the oath to uphold the Constitution and safeguard the public trust.

So then, in today’s world, as perverse as it has become, why should not be selling me something? I made contact with the people running the site and found the unexpected.

The Georgia-native, Kate Wheeler and her daughter Ashley had had enough of being walked on by politicians and they figured that a lot of other people felt the same. Lifted by the recent rout of Republicans from the White House and Capitol Hill they were motivated to act.

“People need the chance to say what’s on their minds after putting up with what we have all gone through in this country. Bush stole the first election and the Democrats and the mainstream media let him. Things only went downhill from there,” Wheeler asserted.

“With our website we are letting people tell George W. what they really think about him and it’s about time. So far the response has been terrific but we want the message to be really loud, not just so that Bush hears it. We want all of Washington, Republicans and Democrats alike to know that the American People are expecting real change in this country. The George W. Goodbye Movement is going to grow into a movement making sure that that change takes place,” Wheeler said.

It was a nice surprise from the creator of Wheeler encourages everyone, even Bush supporters, to click on and write their fond farewells. Later the letters will be immortalized in a book, documenting public opinion of the George W. Bush presidency. More than anything this website looks to move people to act and participate in holding those that govern accountable for what they do. I know I’ll be clicking in and writing my letter over the weekend.

Anonymous said...

I love these ice-sliding videos! I cannot wait to see the live action snowmobile videos! :)