So needless to say, we had a fantastic time time while down in Boston for Christmas. We got to see a lot of family and some friends and of course had a lot of great food. Instead of boring everyone with all the little details, I'll just post some pictures and we'll go from there...
This is my brother and his fiance
Christmas morning at my parents house. That giant smile on his face is because he's about to open the
Wii my parents gave them.
Wii makes me smile too...

My other younger brother opening up one of the many sweatshirts he got...

Have you ever seen someone this happy to get a level? Granted it's a really cool level, but still. I think Dad needs to get out more..

Mom and Dad opening the
GPS we gave them. As you can see, they apparently took this gift very seriously

The wife opening up her gift from me. I pulled a "Georgia" on her (Georgia is my cousins grandmother up here. she wraps all her gifts to you the same way. a box in a box in a box, etc, all of which are wrapped up nicely) and she seemed to like everything I got her, which included this cool cup cake decorating book. She loves decorating cakes and what not. I guess that helps explain my gut....

The wife again, with Tommy my cousins baby and my godson. What a cute kid huh..

And of course me with Tommy. As you can see, he's a very happy baby...

My parents gave us a video camera for Christmas too, so someday when I figure it out, there might be a new element added to the blog, movies...
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