Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Should Probably Be Watching The President...

But instead I'm blogging. It's a generational thing. I have no attention span, it's not my fault. If I was ten years old now, I'd be on 17 different kinds of meds probably.

Anyway, in my younger days, I was quite the optimist. The glass was always 3/4 full and I always managed to see the silver lining in things. I'm finding though, as I get older that I'm becoming more and more of a pessimist. Ok, maybe not a pessimist, but more likely a realist. Is this something that happens to everyone? Is it just the current state of my life that is driving me down this avenue? Adoption stuck in neutral, wife still unemployed, house won't sell, those are all things that aren't exactly good, but they're not the end of the world either.

I'm thinking this transition is more likely something that happens as you age, as you start to see the world in a different light. I wouldn't say I'm a glass half empty guy now, but it's definitely not 3/4 full anymore.

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