Friday, usually Friday is movie night, but I bribed the wife (with her favorite, a surprise lobster roll for lunch) to trade Friday for Saturday so I could stay in and watch the Celtics game. As it turns out, it really didn't matter as it was a very frustrating game to watch. No way they should have lost that game. Needless to say, it took me like two hours to wind down after the game, before I actually fell asleep.
Saturday.. good day. The day started off with us going to Home Depot, which I will never go to again. We've had like three fights since we've been married and I'm pretty sure they've all taken place there. That place just brings out the worst in us. Paint color, how to complete a project, whatever it is, I'm blaming Home Depot (although we never have these disagreements at Lowes, go figure) So after we figured out that HD didn't have what we needed anyway (yes, the wife was right, I was wrong) we went over to Lowes, picked up what we needed and headed home. We dropped the stuff off, and off to my uncle's house we went to see the new foal (baby horse) He's only like a week old, so he's still trying to figure things out. Remember that scene in Bambi where he (wait... was Bambi a he or a she. For some reason i say he, but you don't name a dude Bambi. well.. unless you want him working at Lucky Changs on the weekend. I've never been, but the wife has and says it's fantastic) Ok, so back to Bambi, that scene where he walks on the ice, and can't really get his legs under him... yeah, that's how the foal looks.

Saturday day, was spent doing work around the house or more specifically the retaining wall in front of the house. We worked on it for like 5 hours, but then the rain started (and its still raining now) so we haven't finished it yet. We have like half of it done and it looks fantastic. Once its done, I'll post lots and lots of pictures and a step by step how we did it. Oh, and if anyone has any tips on how to cut the stones to a smaller size (they're 4"x12"x7"), we'd really appreciate it. Scoring them didn't really work...
Saturday night.. movie night.... the wife's pick. So no Iron Man for us. Nope, I got to see Made of Honor, or as I like to call it, Made of Crap. The wife, my cousin B and I all went, and they definitely liked it more than I did. Premise of the movie is that guy and girl are friends for ten years, she meets another dude and is going to marry him and asks guy friend to be the maid of honor. Guy friend decides he wants to marry her and tries to break up the wedding from the inside. Here's my issue. How or why would I feel sympathy for the Patrick Dempsey character (how looked very tired, very not interested. like he was getting paid in cash for the movie) when he had ten years to make his move and didn't. Sorry dude, your loss. The DAY I found out the wife broke up with her former boyfriend I asked her out. No waiting around for someone else to swoop in.. so I had no sympathy for the guy in the movie. Ooh, and it wasn't funny at all. Dwayne Wayne had the three funny lines, so whenever he came on screen I paid attention, but otherwise not.
Sunday was spent just hanging around the house. Chilly, rainy day makes for a perfect day in the recliner watching an extremely dominant win by the Celtics. Good to see the exclamation point win, but the three previous losses still concern me. While hanging out, the wife and I had the following exchange:
Wife: Will you judge me on what I have for dinner?
Me: No, you can go have ice cream, I won't tell anyone.
Wife: Damn! How did you know! We've been married waaay too long.
Actually no, I'm just omniscient...
So all in all it was a great weekend.. only five more days until the next one!!!
After you score the stones, you need to hit them with a hammer. You do need to hit it hard, so you might want to ask someone else for help, like your brothers.
Also, this might help:
thanks big guy. we tried scorring it and whacking it, but it didnt work..
You probably need someone more muscular than you to do it. Do you have an old neighbor or something?
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