Monday, September 29, 2008
Happy Times Are Here
Well happy times are here. The reason we were going to Babies R Us, is because we need to pick a stroller and car seat for future baby. But a wonderful thing happened on our last trip down. We narrowed our search down to two items! There are millions to choose from, and we've (thankfully) got it down to two. My only requirements were that neither were those monstrous things you see people desperately attempting to lug around the mall while inadvertently driving it into my ankles. Well neither of our choices fit that. We picked something on the smaller side that the wife can lift without great difficulty and can easily be maneuvered.
And we figured, since we borrowing a crib from family and are using a couple of bureau's given to us, saving us from having to buy all that ourselves, we could spend a little more on the stroller/car seat. Well, yeah, I have the inability to spend money just for the sake of spending. Plus, all those expensive strollers are HUGE. There's no way I'd want to have to heave them in and out of the car and all that. The one we choose is very reasonably priced which makes me happy.
Now we just have to choose between the two.
And yes, I just wrote an entire entry on baby strollers... sad huh... i promise this won't be a regular occurance...
Can't We All Just Get Along?
So we get to watch the Dow drop thru the floor, only to watch it continue to fall and fall and fall until the only thing that could stop it was the day ending.
It's like they're all looking to blame someone. I don't care about blame right now. Blame doesn't help remedy the situation. Blame can be assigned after the problem is fixed. Fix it, and make sure provisions are put in place to cut the risk of this happening again and move on.
It's amazing how nothing can ever get done. It's always them vs. us. Someone needs to send all these politicians on one of those lame corporate retreats where you do trust falls and team building exercises...where you learn to cooperate and work together...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Miss Me?
Friday.. now there was a great day. Thursday morning the wife got a phone call from our newly assigned social worker. She wanted to meet Friday morning for her interview! (as part of the process, we each meet independently with the social worker, then meet with her together) I'm down in Taunton, which means I'm no help, so the wife had to run around and finish up all the little things around the house (face plates back on outlets/switches where we had painted, stuff like that), and make a quick run to Home Depot for new smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher. We really had no idea what to expect from the visit, so we had to prepare for anything and everything.
She could probably tell you better than I can, but apparently it went well, and now we wait for mine, which is this coming Thursday.
After the interview, the wife drove down to MA as she was going to the New Kids On The Block concert with a couple of friends that night. I on the other hand, met a couple of friends at a new restaurant in Framingham, the British Beer Company. Very good stuff. Food gets two thumbs up and the beer selection was out of this world. If only they'd open one up here... Before heading home though, my buddy Rick and I went over to John Harvard's for a beer. Harvest Spice, their fall brew, is out, and it may not be the best beer ever, but it's definitely in my top 5 all time.
Saturday we helped a friend move in the morning, went to lunch with the in laws, then headed home. The driving rain slowed us down a bit (took us about four and a half hours, which is about forty five minutes or so longer than usual), but the wife's iPod was on fire! We put it on shuffle and it was just pumping out perfect long car ride music. Every song we knew, every song was a great song to sing with, and at this point we pretty much have our Paradise By The Dashboard Light duet mastered. Dorky, I know...
Today was spent mostly hanging around the house, but we did go purchase a new camera. Ours is five years old, so it was really time to update. We bought a Kodak, with 12 megapixels, and 5x zoom among other features. So far, the picture quality is leaps and bounds better than the old camera.
We're heading to a wedding soon so we'll be able to give the new camera a thorough run through then. Speaking of which, the wedding is in New York, so we're going to fly down to the city, spend a couple of days doing the tourist thing, then head to Queens for the main event. Since we're flying down, all our toiletry stuff has to be smaller than 3 oz. each, right? Yeah, it's next to impossible to find this stuff. Sure, toothpaste can be found, but we have lots of stuff! Moisturizer, shampoo, hair products, etc. None of these items come in 3 oz packages. Annoying to say the least.
Anyway, The Amazing Race is about to start, so off I go...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy Fall
I did notice this evening though, that the leaves are starting to change colors. Foliage! I never understood why people drove around looking at leaves on trees. Makes no sense to me at all...
So the Celtics are bringing the championship trophy up here later this week. Nice huh.. trying to do what the Red Sox did. Anyway, they're sending the trophy up with Brian Scalabrine, Tony Allen and Leon Powe. C'mon! You couldn't send a real Celtic? I'm a huge Powe fan, but still. These are like guys, 10, 11, and 12 on a twelve man team...
My cousin had to change the weekend of the christening of her new son. No biggie. My suggestion was to move it to Mohegan Sun. That way, she's guaranteed that everyone in the family will show up. We can have the baptism right there in the huge fountain/waterfall. She won't need to rent a hall or pay for catering, as there's a food court right there too. Brilliant, isn't it? Except for the fact that there's always the chance that I would gamble away all my baby buying money, which wouldn't be a good thing. So I guess it's probably better that she have it the traditional way...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Morrissey's Are Coming! The Morrissey's Are Coming!

Thursday, September 18, 2008
You Cheated On Me? When I Specifically Asked You Not To?
So thanks to my forever generous uncle who joined the local country club, I get to play golf most weekends. This weekend, I get to play Saturday and Sunday. Really, does it get any better?
Something very sad happened recently. Yep, for the first time since last spring, I wore pants outside of work. Not that I was wearing nothing, I just always wore shorts. It is however, starting to get a little chilly at night, so the other night after work, I actually put jeans on. Very traumatic for me, I'm not ready to give up my summer yet!
I learned something new today. According to John McCain, Spain is part of Latin America. I was not aware that that was the case..
I'm not overly worried about the Rays, but I gotta admit that they're playing like a team on a mission right now. Their pitching seems to be holding up and even their "B" team (the guys playing for the guys that are hurt) is playing out of their mind. The playoffs will be mighty interesting, that's for sure...
I even amaze myself sometimes. I'm sitting here watching tv, and I'm bouncing between the Rachel Maddows show on MSNBC, The Office on NBC and Real World/Road Rules Challenge on Mtv. So I'm keeping informed on politics, laughing at a sitcom and being entertained by the lowest of the low of reality tv...
Who do I start this week? Philip Rivers or Drew Brees?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Busy Busy Busy
Nothing like a nice Sam Adams Octoberfest to make things all better though..
As of right now, the count is up to (or down to) 32 people coming up this weekend. Little disappointed that my brother and his fiance can't make it, but I understand that its tough to get time off work. Although so far, no one is staying with us. So all these people are coming up and our guest rooms will all be empty.
The wife and I just looked at the calender and between now and the first weekend of November, every single weekend is booked solid. Amazing really. Usually we have nothing going on, now all of a sudden we have everything. It's ok though, cuz it's all fun stuff. Visitors, New Kids concert (her, not me. i'm hoping to go out with the guys), wedding, visitors (can't wait!), parenting class/bro's engagement party/christening and finally more visitors (whoo hoo!). So besides the parenting class, everything else should be a lot of fun...
Early blog tonight.. good night of tv. House and Fringe (with the tivo recording Privileged)...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ho Hum..
It's sad when the highlight of my weekend is going to the 99 for drinks, isn't it? I used to be cool, or at least I thought I was. I used to go out on the weekends and have fun. We don't even have kids yet, so it's not like we have that excuse to fall back on haha. We've just become homebodies I guess. Not that there's anything wrong with that, right?
Although, while finishing up the redoing of the downstairs office (not to be confused with the upstairs office), I found myself flipping thru my high school year book, which I hadn't done in probably ten years. Man I was funny looking back then...
Turned on Saturday Night Live last night, just as it was starting, and the wife and I both said at the same time, "is that Sarah Palin or Tina Fey?" Fey is a dead ringer for the VP wannabe, isn't she?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Best Sign Ever
Friday, September 12, 2008
I'm A Sad Sad Little Man
He's asked her two and three times the same exact questions and she just doesn't want to answer. She seems to think assault rifles are ok to have (cuz the deer shoot back apparently, so the hunters really need the heavy artillery). And if you can't tell, I'm not voting republican...
Gibson asked her about her foreign policy credentials (russia is close to alaska, so that counts right?) and she responded by talking about her energy conservation credentials.. umm what? As the great Chris Tucker once said.. "do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?"
Electing a 72 year old with a myriad of health issues and a person who can't answer a question correctly really scares me...
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
I couldn’t have been more wrong. His question? What was the name of the show on after Duck Tales? (Tale Spin) Followed by, what was the pilot’s name on the show? (Launchpad McQuack) And of course, I also had to remind him about GizmoDuck.
It’s a good thing he has a dorky older brother that can help him out in his time of need huh…
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Fall Tv Thoughts
Sundays, there really isn't much on. We'll watch the Amazing Race, but that's about it...(with a full day of football of course. i'm on the fence.. thinking of getting direct tv, anyone out there have it and like it?)
Monday on the other hand, is a completely different story. The two drv's in the house will be working some overtime. First off there's the CBS lineup. How I Met Your Mother is a must watch and we usually watch Big Bang Theory too, which is surprisingly funny. The problem is, it's opposite Chuck (highly underrated, very fun show) and Dancing With The Stars (the wife, not me). Then of course, there's Heroes, a can't miss show for me.
Tuesdays we watch House and Fringe on Fox, and we'll most likely tivo Privileged on the CW. We watched the first episode, and liked it so we'll give it a whirl for a bit to see if it pans out. (the wife was/is a huge Gilmore Girls fan, and this show has a very similar writing style. quick, rapid fire dialog, with no pauses for the laugh track)
Wednesdays we'll go with Bones, while recording Pushing Daisies (very good show). Thankfully there's really nothing on after that, so we'll just watch Daisies after Bones.
Thursdays are strictly NBC with My Name Is Earl, The Office and 30 Rock. I'd also like to give Life On Mars a whirl, and the wife records Supernatural faithfully.
Friday, the wife will watch Ghost Whisperer while I watch Jennifer Love Hewitt in HD. Last year I got into Life, but I never make it past 10 o'clock on Friday nights before I fall asleep... wait I mean, I'll be out at the college bars drinking the night away so I'll miss it..
Did I miss anything? Anyone want to recommend a show that they love? Of course besides all that, I'll be watching my two other favorite channels in the Discovery Channel and History Channel. And this doesn't take into account when Lost starts either...
Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner
However.. this video, just might be better. Who knew Papelbon had moves like that? Hysterical stuff, although you've gotta admit he's a good sport about the whole thing. I'm not sure I'd want millions of people seeing me dress in drag while dancing to the Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes classic...
Football tackle of the year? The guy has great timing to say the least..
Gas Mileage
Do ride-on lawn mowers get better gas mileage then cars? This is the only logical explanation I can come up with as to why two different people just drove (rode?) down the street on lawn mowers. Unless this is the Maine version of a convertible: converts from functional machine to transportation :)
In other news, just because you own a shirt/sweater that is long enough to cover your butt, that does NOT make it a dress! I know the longer sweater with leggings/thick tights look is in, but I think the key element in the outfit is the article of clothing covering your legs. Without it you just look like you forgot pants- even if you did remember fluffy boots... Had I not been late to class I would have taken a picture it was just that bad!
Technically it's still summer, right? Someone needs to get the memo to the state of Maine. I half expected to see snow on the ground when I walked to the car...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Damn You J.J. Abrams
Anyone else watch it? Thoughts?
You know what annoys me? Fast food ads. The food NEVER looks as good when you buy it as it does it the commercial. The Big Mac looks amazing on tv. All those fresh vegetables, the big sesame seed bun sitting four inches high. In real life... you could slide the thing under a door it's so thin. The Subway commercials make those subs look scrum-didily-umpcious. But in person? Big bun, minimal amounts of meat and brown lettuce.. no thanks. That's how Jared got so thin. The sandwiches grossed him out so he just stopped eating...
Anyone else notice how much Sarah Palin looks like the stripping teacher in the Dawson football movie? I mentioned this the other day to my lovely wife, but she had no idea who I was talking about, as usual...
Greg Oden may be seven feet tall and 100 times the basketball player that I am, but at least I can sing better... slightly...
Monday, September 8, 2008
Miss Me?
While in Boston, we also went to the dreaded store, Ikea. Although for the first time, it really benefited me. We bought a desk and four new bookshelves for my office. Sadly that meant that my ugly arse bookcases that I built are getting reconfigured and moved to a different room. The office looks fantastic, I really have an eye for where to put everything, it's a gift. We'll have some more pictures later this week after we move our bedroom back down from the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor. The room is half painted, so it just needs to be finished and the carpet cleaned.
Also, on the exciting news front, the adoption agency has received all but one of the documents needed (and they'll get that one this week) which means we're one giant step closer to our future baby. Future baby, that's what we call it as it's not officially "ours" yet so we don't want to use that term. And since it is a future baby, I think it'll arrive in a flying car while wearing a silver shinny jumpsuit, just like people in the future will someday. So next we'll meet with an agency social worker, who will then certify that we're not crazy and will be good parents. You biological kids people really don't know how easy you have it haha..
You know, I watch Keith Olberman on a fairly regular basis, but he's starting to bug me. I'm an Obama guy, but you'd think the guy was part god the way they talk about him on Countdown (olberman's show). Is there a place to get unbiased reporting anymore? MSNBC - liberal. FOXNews - conservative. Everyone seems to have an agenda, that's just the way it works now I guess. Don't get me wrong, I agree with a lot of what he says and I think he's a funny guy, but sometimes it's a little too much...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
- So back in the day, I'll admit it, I was a 90210 fan. In fact, back in high school some friends and I did a 90210 parody video for French class, in french (it was an amazing piece of cinematography I swear). Anyway, so the wife and I figured we'd give the new version a try... yeah, so far not so impressed. Sex, drugs, bitchiness, cliques.. it's nothing like the old original. It's like a normal show about normal kids is impossible to make now. Back in the day, the episodes were just about about normal high school stuff with the occasional "very special" episode thrown in. Now, every episode is a "very special" episode, only because that's all they deal with. Ten minutes into the show, we got to see a character getting some special time in the car before school, another buys a bunch of pills, the main female lead obviously hasn't eaten in years (for the love of god girl, go get a BigMac), and they introduce the bitchy mean girl who everyone wants to be.. huh? Yeah, I grew up in a nice town where everyone mostly got along, but not in a bubble or under a rock. No one was getting happy time before school. There were no extreme cliques, with all the guys dying to be an athlete and all the girls begging to be popular. And in the old 90210 the parents were just part of the background, here the show is about them as much as its about the kids. Not to mention the fact that they've introduced so many new characters I've lost count. Ok so far.. drugs (along with being in debt to the drug dealer which is never good), sex, relationship abuse(girl slapping guy), lots of underage drinking, adoption, a fight involving the new kid, the party of the year, cheating in school, a kid with a private jet, porn("her father is the district attorney!" if you watched the 2003 baseball playoffs you'd get that line), movie audition, school prank, a car accident, and an old flame coming between the parents. Did I miss anything? Back in the day, that would cover two seasons, now it's just the premier episode. Do I give it another shot? Do I not bother anymore? Before dvr's this question had an easy answer. House is on opposite it, so House would win. Now with two drv's in the house we can record pretty much everything and just watch it later. This show just makes me feel old...
- For all of you fellow lactose intolerant folks out there, I made a new discovery. Soy ice cream sandwiches. Not quite as good as real ice cream sandwiches of course, but for those of us that can't partake in the cream part of ice cream, they'll do...
- So this morning before work, I'm watching Sportscenter and I hit the "guide" button on the remote... low and behold, but what's on? Side Out! Only the best 80's movie made in the 90's about beach volleyball! Yeah, it's actually not very good at all, but it's so bad it's good. I almost went to work late, but decided against it...
- With all this talk lately about the V.P. search and choice and all that I got to thinking. When else does the word "vetted" get used this much? Is there any other situation or event when you hear it? I can't think of one...
- Why is it that I can't translate my Wii golf dominance to actual golf? I might be the best Wii golfer ever, but I'm less than average on the links.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Book Review
The book only took me about two and a half days to fly through, which means it was a good book, but now I have to find another book.
Ohh What A Weekend
So Friday night we didn't do much (see earlier post for the evenings synopsis), Saturday was kind of quiet too. Well if by quiet I mean noise free, then sure, but it sure wasn't quiet otherwise. The dirt we ordered arrived during the week (five yards of it) so it had to be moved from the pile in the driveway to the new planter that I built. 64 wheelbarrow loads (at 14 shovels of dirt a piece) later, the planter was filled. It's two days later, and I'm finally regaining the feeling in my arms...

While I spent the day doing that stuff, my lovely wife was laboriously working (is that repetitive? laboriously workin?) towards finishing up our bedroom walls. Hopefully by this time next week, they'll be all primed and painted and we'll be able to move back into that room..
Sunday, we went to the Blue Hill Fair! My aunt and uncle couldn't go due to a sick horse, so the wife and I went with my two cousins. Gotta say, I'm a huge fan of fairs. Well, mostly just a huge fan of the food at fairs. Hot dogs, onion rings, fresh donuts and funnel cake were on the menu for me. I was going to buy a fresh blueberry pie and take it home, but due to my food coma, I forgot. Besides the food, there's also a lot of rides (which we didn't go near) and a lot of animals. See these pigs...

While at the fair, we also saw some... minny horses...Actually, they're not miniature, everyone else is just a giant!
They also had llamas.. two "L"s, not one...
The world's worst shoes (according to my judgemental wife at least)..
And the most unfortunate placing of a sign and animal..
Well after a couple of hours at the fair, we headed home for an uneventful night. So we thought. The wife and I went out to do some errands, I needed a new basketball, she just wanted to go to Target. Well on the way home, as we're driving down the main road home I see a car pulled over in an empty parking lot with three girls on cell phones standing by it. The wife and I thought that they had a flat tire, and we both agreed we'd feel waaay too guilty if we just kept driving, so we turned around to see if they needed a hand. Turns out we were right and it was a flat tire. And these three girls were clueless (well one of them thought she knew what she was doing, but she really didn't. And she wouldn't get out of my way and let me change the tire, she kept grabbing the tools and trying to do everything herself even though she wasn't strong enough to budge the lug nuts), so I did it for them while the wife joked around with them. It's funny, if I pull up alone to help, I'm a creepy guy helping out three college girls, but since the wife was with me, it totally took away all the creepiness. At least hopefully it did. The last thing I need is for these girls to be telling the story to their friends and they describe us as the fun, talkative girl and her creepy husband. After we got the tire changed, I'm lowering the car back down and all of a sudden the spring in the jack snapped off and the car crashed to the ground. Thankfully it was only 3 or 4 inches off the ground, but still it scared the bejesus out of us.
Today, I spent the day turning pieces of my uncles old horse pen fence into a compost box. I took the seven feet tall posts and cut them down to five feet, took the sixteen feet long boards and cut them to four and five foot pieces and built a box. Pretty simple stuff, time consuming though. I would have posted pictures, but I forgot to take them, so I'll have to remember to do that later. Keep in mind though, it's just a box so it's not all that exciting.. The wood that I'm using has decided that it wants to live on in my hands, as I must have pulled 20 splitters out of myself so far. Not fun..
Tonight is also my fantasy football draft, which will most likely take up the entire evening. Starts at 730, but these things usually take hours and hours. The best part of these leagues used to be the draft, we'd all get together at someones house, hang out, drinks some beers and make fun of each others stupid draft picks. Problem is though, getting eight guys together is now impossible, so we have to hold the draft online now. Not as much fun, but I guess that's what happens when you get old...
Post Script: The draft is already over. One hour. That's it. Very disappointing. And to top it off, I hate my team...