So Friday night we didn't do much (see earlier post for the evenings synopsis), Saturday was kind of quiet too. Well if by quiet I mean noise free, then sure, but it sure wasn't quiet otherwise. The dirt we ordered arrived during the week (five yards of it) so it had to be moved from the pile in the driveway to the new planter that I built. 64 wheelbarrow loads (at 14 shovels of dirt a piece) later, the planter was filled. It's two days later, and I'm finally regaining the feeling in my arms...

While I spent the day doing that stuff, my lovely wife was laboriously working (is that repetitive? laboriously workin?) towards finishing up our bedroom walls. Hopefully by this time next week, they'll be all primed and painted and we'll be able to move back into that room..
Sunday, we went to the Blue Hill Fair! My aunt and uncle couldn't go due to a sick horse, so the wife and I went with my two cousins. Gotta say, I'm a huge fan of fairs. Well, mostly just a huge fan of the food at fairs. Hot dogs, onion rings, fresh donuts and funnel cake were on the menu for me. I was going to buy a fresh blueberry pie and take it home, but due to my food coma, I forgot. Besides the food, there's also a lot of rides (which we didn't go near) and a lot of animals. See these pigs...

While at the fair, we also saw some... minny horses...Actually, they're not miniature, everyone else is just a giant!
They also had llamas.. two "L"s, not one...
The world's worst shoes (according to my judgemental wife at least)..
And the most unfortunate placing of a sign and animal..
Well after a couple of hours at the fair, we headed home for an uneventful night. So we thought. The wife and I went out to do some errands, I needed a new basketball, she just wanted to go to Target. Well on the way home, as we're driving down the main road home I see a car pulled over in an empty parking lot with three girls on cell phones standing by it. The wife and I thought that they had a flat tire, and we both agreed we'd feel waaay too guilty if we just kept driving, so we turned around to see if they needed a hand. Turns out we were right and it was a flat tire. And these three girls were clueless (well one of them thought she knew what she was doing, but she really didn't. And she wouldn't get out of my way and let me change the tire, she kept grabbing the tools and trying to do everything herself even though she wasn't strong enough to budge the lug nuts), so I did it for them while the wife joked around with them. It's funny, if I pull up alone to help, I'm a creepy guy helping out three college girls, but since the wife was with me, it totally took away all the creepiness. At least hopefully it did. The last thing I need is for these girls to be telling the story to their friends and they describe us as the fun, talkative girl and her creepy husband. After we got the tire changed, I'm lowering the car back down and all of a sudden the spring in the jack snapped off and the car crashed to the ground. Thankfully it was only 3 or 4 inches off the ground, but still it scared the bejesus out of us.
Today, I spent the day turning pieces of my uncles old horse pen fence into a compost box. I took the seven feet tall posts and cut them down to five feet, took the sixteen feet long boards and cut them to four and five foot pieces and built a box. Pretty simple stuff, time consuming though. I would have posted pictures, but I forgot to take them, so I'll have to remember to do that later. Keep in mind though, it's just a box so it's not all that exciting.. The wood that I'm using has decided that it wants to live on in my hands, as I must have pulled 20 splitters out of myself so far. Not fun..
Tonight is also my fantasy football draft, which will most likely take up the entire evening. Starts at 730, but these things usually take hours and hours. The best part of these leagues used to be the draft, we'd all get together at someones house, hang out, drinks some beers and make fun of each others stupid draft picks. Problem is though, getting eight guys together is now impossible, so we have to hold the draft online now. Not as much fun, but I guess that's what happens when you get old...
Post Script: The draft is already over. One hour. That's it. Very disappointing. And to top it off, I hate my team...
One hour?? Did you spend another half-hour afterwards going over your picks or something? We were done-diddly-un in 35 minutes!
35 minutes is right. That was the worst draft ever. For the record, I picked 8th, and I was about 6 minutes late logging in. When I did get in, it was the end of the 4th round. In 6 minutes, I missed about 30 picks.
Worst draft ever!
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