Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So the Tom Brady injury really sucks, I know (especially for all those fantasy owners out there who had him), but did he die or just get hurt? The way people are talking, you'd think he was just hit by a bus or something. "I loved playing with Tom, there's no bigger competitor" on and on and on. He'll be back next year guys, lighten up a little...

You know what annoys me? Fast food ads. The food NEVER looks as good when you buy it as it does it the commercial. The Big Mac looks amazing on tv. All those fresh vegetables, the big sesame seed bun sitting four inches high. In real life... you could slide the thing under a door it's so thin. The Subway commercials make those subs look scrum-didily-umpcious. But in person? Big bun, minimal amounts of meat and brown lettuce.. no thanks. That's how Jared got so thin. The sandwiches grossed him out so he just stopped eating...

Anyone else notice how much Sarah Palin looks like the stripping teacher in the Dawson football movie? I mentioned this the other day to my lovely wife, but she had no idea who I was talking about, as usual...

Greg Oden may be seven feet tall and 100 times the basketball player that I am, but at least I can sing better... slightly...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that you just compared Palin to the "hot for teacher" in Varsity Blues. Good old Mox...