Oh what a weekend, all those southern (MA) Morrisseys invaded Maine! What a great time it was though.
Friday night the wife and I stayed in and finished cleaning the house and all. Very uneventful really.
Saturday morning my uncle and his two nephews and I went golfing. It was basically a warm up round for Sunday. We wanted to get one round in so we would look less bad when we all played the next day. That afternoon is when the party started. I got a call around 2, saying that my uncles were hitting golf balls from the front of my other uncles house into the field across the street. Can you believe the audacity! And they didn't call me in time so I could join them!
The afternoon/evening/night was spent at a cookout at my uncles. Lots of great food (they smoked a turkey. wow is that good. I say we do that for thanksgiving this year), a couple of drinks, and lots of the funniest stories you'll ever hear. I could try to type them out here to retell them, but I really wouldn't be able to do them any justice. The wife and I brought over our propane heater though, and let me tell you... best thing ever. That thing kicks off so much heat, it's fantastic (if you can't tell, it chilly up here already. I could see my breath while sitting outside last night!)
Today... today was perhaps the best day ever. It started off with a 8:50 tee time. Good stuff right. I played pretty well (including, putting the ball past the hole, only to watch it roll back down the hill and into the cup, just like I planned it), but everyone really had a great time, and no one was kicked off the course, which is always a plus.
After golf came the shootin'. Two words.. Awe. Some. Shotguns everywhere. Clay pigeons flying thru the air occasionally being grazed by a shell. I'm not a hunter, it's not for me, but there's something to be said for shooting a gun. It's really a lot of fun. When you hit one of those clay pigeons flying thru the air.. there's really no better feeling. Every time I go shootin, I come home wanting to buy a gun. Wife won't let me, obviously, but I really want one. Look what Maine has done to me...
When we were done there, it was home to catch some of the Patriots game (I don't even want to talk about that) then back to my other uncle's house for dinner and hanging out. Steaks and lobster were on the menu with steamers and corn on the cob on the side. What a meal. My steak was done to absolute perfection...
And as is custom, after dinner we all sit around and the aunts and uncles tell stories from when they grew up. I'm telling you, you will never laugh any harder than you do at these stories. Not necessarily cuz the situations are so funny, but because you can't believe that some of that stuff actually happened! Someone, sometime, needs to sit down and write all this stuff down. There's a great book in there...
Just a couple of pics from today...this one is of all the Morrissey's who were in attendance.

We're missing an uncle or two and a cousin I think. And in addition to all these lovely folks, my uncle had some of his family up too. Lots and lots and lots of people, but always someone different to talk to...
Mom, Dad, the wife and I. We're laughing because in real life, my mom isn't that tall. The wife is standing in a hole, while Mom is standing on a rock. Sarah is actually 4 inches taller than Mom...
A view from above of most of the weekends participants. I don't care what anyone else says about their family, I have the best family there is. The stories alone make these get togethers worth it, really. One of these times, we'll have some videotape or something and send to those who can't make it..

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