Friday, August 29, 2008

Interesting Company

So tonight, the wife and I decided to go get some dinner at one of the local establishments, Christophers. Because it's so nice out, we decided to take the one remaining outdoor table and sit outside and eat. While we were sitting there enjoying our drinks and appetizers waiting for dinner, the woman sitting at the table adjacent to ours struck up a conversation with us. After chatting for a few minutes, our dinner arrived, so since she was dining alone, we invited her to sit with us. At first she gave us the, "no, I wouldn't want to interrupt" line, but we insisted (cuz lets be honest, the wife and i talk to each other enough so its always nice to have someone new to talk to). Turns out, she's from Santa Monica and is in the area for the month with her husband and child visiting his parents. She was dining alone because he was flying into Boston then taking the bus up to Bangor so she had to go pick him up at the bus station after dinner. After two or so hours of very pleasant conversation, she left to pick him up and we headed home.

It's always funny how those random encounters end up making for fun nights. By the time she left, she was showing us pics of her husband and child and all that. It really made for a fun night.

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