Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So the big day finally arrived! No, not anything I did, but my cousin had her baby! Nine pounds two ounces, at 12:42pm today little Thomas William was born!!! Apparently his birth is making me go crazy with exclamation points!!! So this means that I'm now officially a god father, how cool is that? If I'm this excited now, imagine how excited I'll be when our new baby finally arrives. (btw, how funny would it be if, since we're adopting, we actually had a stork bring us the baby. that would allow me to tell the truth in 5 years when our future kid askes me where babies come from..)

Now I finally get to go buy some presents too. The sex of that baby wasn't known, so we couldn't buy anything until now. Tomorrow I'm hitting the stores and spoiling him.... well not really him since he'll only be like two days old when we meet, so more like his parents who then will have one less thing to buy (or fifteen less things, like I said, this child will be spoiled). And don't worry, there will be plenty of pictures posted this weekend..

Ok, so this is totally off the subject from above, but it really caught my attention so I figured I'd pass it along... I'm in the car coming home for lunch, listening to one of my country stations and the following ad comes on, "If you don't believe in the god in "under god" in the pledge of allegiance then you're listening to the wrong radio station. " Umm ok.. how is this a good idea for an ad? Wouldn't you want as many people as possible listening to your station? More people, equals more listeners, equals more ad revenue. Apparently not here though, apparently all those heathens out there need not listen. Get your country music elsewhere sinners!

We just had the most random thing happen... the doorbell rang, so we both looked up from the tv, and no one was at the door. Weird right? Well no, Mainers have a tendency of using the backdoor, so off we went to check there. I, of course, being the man of the house, let the wife answer it while I stood in the dining room listening in. Turns out, its some random lady. First she says to the wife, "who's car is that?". So the wife answers, "Um mine." To which the woman replies, "Is there another apartment in your house?". To which the wife replies, "no, this is our house, there are no apartments here." This thoroughly confused the woman who then asks what street she's on, thinking she's on Maple St., which is 2 streets over. Apparently she was going to a friends to drink some wine and have some Triskets (she had lots of both in her hands), and was lost. Methinks she dipped into the wine a little early, as our house is very distinctive (none of the houses on the streets around us looking anything like it) and our street clearly doesn't say MAPLE! And no, she didn't leave any wine for us...

1 comment:

eileen said...

That is a funny story about the lady.
Congrats on being Godfather!