Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More Evidence Towards The Wussification of America

First, they banned dodgeball.. then they stopped keeping score because kids shouldn't have to lose, now this...

Can you believe this story? This 9 year old isn't allowed to play because he's too good? Um what? He's only throwing 40 mph, that's really not fast or unusual for Little League. He's never hit a batter, so what's the big deal? This absolutely drives me crazy. These parents are teaching their kids to not ever bother trying because they might fail. Seriously, what kind of lesson is that? Every Little League has that one kid that's better than everyone else. It's just part of growing up. You know the kid is really good and you'll probably strike out or he'll probably hit a home run off you, but that one time you get a hit, or strike him out... man.. there's no better feeling.

I can understand the kids being scared to face the pitcher because they think he's throwing fast, but what are you teaching them by not even letting them try to be successful. Does anyone else see the irony here? The parents don't want the kids to try because they don't want them to fail, then they're playing the wrong sport. Baseball is a game based on failure. If you succeed three times out of ten, then you're one of the best. Failure is a huge part of the game...

It's like these parents want their kids to grow up in a bubble. Success is mandatory to them. If you don't fail from time to time, how are you supposed to learn how to succeed? When you fall down, you get back up. When you get knocked down, you get back up twice as fast. That's what I was taught and that's how what I'll teach my kids.

You participate in the sport, here's a trophy. There are no winners and losers anymore because they don't keep score (which isn't really true because the parents might not keep score, but the kids always know who won and what their record is). We were taught winning and losing and we turned out just fine. How's a kid going to learn anything about life by being taught to not even try if they know they won't be successful. Like I said, this is just another example of the wussification of America. This was quite the rant I know, but stuff like this just really bugs me.

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