Sunday, November 16, 2008


So not much to really report on this weekend. I didn't get my satellite tv (as mentioned below), which is very sad. Just kind of a blah couple of days, ya know.

On a more amusing note... you know how a lot of athletes grow their "playoff" beards. Meaning they don't shave until they've lost and are then out of the playoffs.. well I'm doing something similar. I'm rockin the baby beard. We have no idea when we're going to get placed with a birthmother/baby, which stinks. So I figure to amuse myself, I'll grow out my beard. Plus, it gives me an excuse to see what I'll look like, as I've never grown any real facial hair before. Right now I'm on day 5, so it's still early on. I encourage all you gentlemen out there to follow suit and grow beards along with me. The day we get placed, is the day I'll shave...

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