Halloween... a great holiday, isn't it? As a matter of fact, I think there should be MORE costume parties! Everyone loves getting dressed up, so why not...
Last year, the wife and I got 4 groups of trick or treaters.. very disappointing. This year? Way too many to count! Lots and lots of kids in some great costumes (like six different kids dressed as Spider Man, innumerable princesses and a bunch of animals, i.e. alligator, cow etc). We got our first group around 5:30 and ended up turning out the light around 8:30 or so. We didn't feel like dealing with the older kids who don't bother to get dressed up but still expect candy. I don't care how old you are, if you put in the effort of getting dressed, you'll get candy, simple as that. Not costume = no candy. The funniest is watching the expressions on the real little kids.. who are like.. "whoa whoa whoa.. hold on a second, I come to your house, ring the doorbell, and you give me candy? This is the best thing ever!"
And of course, the wife and I got into the act and decided to get dressed up ourselves.. why not right...

I went with the pirate costume, a classic really (and a great excuse to say aaarrrrrrrr alot). And the wife went all undead bride.. very nice huh.
This is interpretation of the classic pirate/bride of Frankenstein prom picture...

And because I love him oh so much, but not enough to go out of my to not embarrass him, I present you with a picture of my brother.. aka Jackie Moon..
Ahhh the wonders of a camera phone....
On to the rest of the weekend... Saturday was a get stuff done around the house day followed by a couple of drinks with my aunt and uncle at our local water hole... Bugaboo Creek (as you can tell there's a very limited selection up here, but their Moose Juice is to die for, and yes I just used the phrase to die for and I'm not a 15 year old girl in 1986)
Sunday, raked leaves for a couple of hours, put away all the patio furniture, organized the shed, got a hair cut and went grocery shopping all before 1pm. Whenever I rake/shovel, I like to put on my iPod, it just helps pass the time... yet every time I wear it, the wife feels the need to start multiple conversations with me. I guess it's payback for all the times I've interrupted her while she's reading. The rest of the afternoon involved football, napping and blogging... the way a Sunday should be.
Can't tell you how PROUD I am of my 2 sons and how good they look!!!! (tho I seem to remember a few Halloween's of 'why can't I buy a costume????' so see...all those homemade costumes paid off!!
I love the costumes - you guys look great!! Thank you for sharing your pictures! :)
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