Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thank You Mystery Person!

Ok, I need to thank someone out there, problem is I don't know who. Somebody sent me a fantastic gift.. a hamburger press! My uncle makes the best hamburgers around, and apparently he uses these things, so I've been trying to find them but have so far been unable. But thanks to the kindness of someone, I know have them, so Thanks!!!

The date has been set for our fantasy football draft. I know most of you don't care, but you'll just have to deal. I plan on winning this year, something I say every year, which inevitably won't happen. That's ok though, cuz I'm the commissioner, so I yield the power, and that's a good feeling. We might still need another team if anyone is interested.

So the Oakland A's are running a charity promotion at an upcoming game to benefit juvenile diabetes. That's very good of them right? Well here's the deal.. the promotion is called Root Beer Float Day with the A's. For every root beer float sold, the proceeds will go to the juvenile diabetes foundation. Ummm anyone else see anything wrong with this? Root beer, ice cream.. what do they have in common? SUGAR! So essentially they're using a cause of diabetes to help fight it. It's sorta like having a benefit to fight lung cancer by selling cigarettes. Maybe they should have had a Carrot Sticks with the A's day instead...

So they do these little editorials on the radio during commercial breaks, usually revolving around one of the hot sports topics of the week or whatever. There was one on today that was really talking up the state of soccer in the United States. It basically said that because of a recent "spirited match against Argentina, where the US tied them" showed that soccer was on the rise. First of all, who outside of London uses the term "spirited"? and secondly, when did a tie become a good thing? Since when is it ok to settle for almost winning, but not losing? I must have missed that memo. Soccer will never be top dog here. All the best athletes play football first, basketball second, baseball and hockey third with soccer/lacrosse and all that next. The rest of the world has their best athletes playing soccer, we have our 4th best.. tops...


Anonymous said...

hamburger press=mom....who else listens to you????

Cleaty said...

You really think hockey is third? I may rank hockey with soccer, both at third. But then again, I am biased.