Thursday, July 17, 2008

Why Are These People Taking Pictures Of Our House?

This happens all the time. And I'm not even exaggerating. It happens at least twice a week. Everyone who walks by stops, looks and comments. People who drive by, slow down and look out the window, and at least twice now (including this evening) people have stopped to take pictures of it.

Tonight, the wife and I are sitting out on the back patio enjoying our fine dinner of beer(me), water(her), fried chicken and foccacio bread. After another stressful day at work, it really doesn't get any better. Suddenly the wife pops up, says "Why are those people taking a picture of my house?", and heads down the driveway to ask them. Thankfully the couple that had stopped was very nice, although a little skittish that we caught them, and explained that they are building a new house and really love the shape and colors of our house. So apparently, someone other than me likes the colors of the house, how about that?

I'm watching Last Comic Standing, and flicking back to the History Channel during commercials. Good times, right. So the 8 o'clock show was on bathroom technology, which I found oddly interesting. The 9 o'clock show was on the history of underwear. Did you know that in 2006 men's colored briefs passed white briefs in sales for the first time ever? I was not aware of this fact until now either, but I would have thought this not to be true. For some reason I think this would have happened in the 70's, things just seemed a lot more colorful then. First off all, who wears briefs anymore, and secondly who wears the colored ones? And if you do, I don't want to know. The show also stated that the average American male owns 18 pairs of underwear. Does that count the couple pairs in the back or the drawer, full of holes, barely held together that you only bust out when you're really desperate to do laundry?

For those of you who love NPH, aka Doogie, aka Barney, I highly recommend you watch this! Dr. Horrible might be my new favorite villain.

And finally... I made a horrendous error in judgement yesterday. It was really warm out, I was having another bad day at work, and really wanted a snack. Something good... something that would really hit the I went to the store in my building and got an.. eclair ice cream bar! Why is this such a bad idea you ask? Because I'm lactose intolerant, that's why! But am I smart enough to remember this? Of course not...but something truly amazing occurred, a miracle if you will. Nothing happened. No sprinting for the bathroom. No hazmat team called in to decontaminate the surrounding three blocks. Nothing. Just a couple of gurgles in my stomach and that's it. Sometime this weekend I'm going to live dangerously and try it again. Maybe I'm suddenly lactose tolerant. Maybe milk will be my friend again. One can only hope....

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