Monday, June 2, 2008


  • So the wife and I have been playing a lot of Super Nintendo lately. Last night, I played a half hour or so of Super Mario before she came to bed, then we switched to Super Mario Two. It's funny, I can play my xbox360 with its 15 different buttons to hit no problem, but when it comes to using three buttons it took me forever to get it down. It's like after all these years of video game playing, my fingers won't work that slowly anymore. Still though, I forgot how much fun those games were. The funny part is, I haven't played these games in a million years, but I still remember where to jump, where to duck, which pipes you can go down and all that. It's like all my fingers remember what to do before my brain does;
  • Ever wonder why most green bottle beer are gross? Heineken, no thanks. Molson, euh if I have to I guess I will. Rolling Rock, gross. Phil, I think you should do a study on this;
  • In talking with our neighbors yesterday, one of them mentioned doing a sketchy bar crawl sometime this summer. There are a couple of bars around that are just super sketchy, like the most towny of towny bars, including the local strip club (located next to a pawn shop and a church of course). I think this is a fantastic idea, especially since I realized that Judy's (taking sketchiness to a whole new level) has 75 cent Busch on tap. Yes you read that right, 75 cents. How awesome is that! You could go in there with $15 and that would last the entire night.. easily...
  • Anyone else see this on It's a long video, but I think the good stuff is like 2-3 minutes in. He claims this alien was outside his window, then in his house. The shot from inside catching the peeping ET could be real, but the shot of the alien in his house just looks like a doll. Nice try buddy. Plus, if it was an alien, why would it waste it's time hiding in the bushes watching this guy?
  • So the Celtics clinched over the weekend, yet the finals don't begin until Thursday. Hasn't anyone told the NBA that we live in a society where people don't have attention spans anymore. Luckily for them, two large market, iconic teams are playing, otherwise the ratings might have been abysmal;
  • Finally got the bathroom vanity/sink in. Toilet still isn't arriving until next week though. Oh well, I've definitely learned that projects just never go as easily as planned.

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