We started off with a trip to Acadia/Bar Harbor for the day. We've been doing a lot of work around the house lately, so we just needed to get out of Dodge and recharge the batteries so to speak. We find that Bar Harbor is a great place to do just that.
We started off by driving up to the top of Cadillac Mountain. Spectacular views from there, on a clear day you can practically see France.

Ok, so you want to know how the bathroom is coming along I'm assuming. I really don't want to talk about it, but if my loyal readers want to know, I'll give it to them...
Floor.. done. Wife did an amazing job and it looks fantastic. Walls are all painted too, no more blue! Toilet.. purchased...however, did you know that not all toilets are the same distance from the wall? I sure didn't. Apparently standard is a 12 inch rough in. That's 12 inches from the wall. Yeah, ours, 10 inches. Which we didn't realize until after we tried to put in the new toilet. Good news, now we don't have to buy a new toilet for the downstairs bathroom. Bad news, all those hours of my life wasted staring at the toilets at Lowes are all for naught. You can't buy a 10 inch rough in toilet, it has to be special ordered, and of course it costs more. Boy, I'm loving this home improvement thing. So needless to say we won't have a toilet in our upstairs bathroom until a week from Tuesday. Up and down two flights of stairs to pee, man we're going to be in tip top shape soon.
Went to the video game store to buy a new xbox game. (Grand Theft Auto for those of you that care) So as I'm paying, the guy asks to see my ID because you have to be 18 to buy it and apparently I don't look 18. So I give him my ID, he looks at it and hands it back.. but immediately asks to see it again. Looks at it again, starts laughing and reaches into the counter drawer and pulls out my old license! About 4 weeks ago I noticed that I lost my license, couldn't find it anywhere so I had to get a new one (it probably just fell out of my wallet when I pulled out a credit card or something). Apparently so little juvenile delinquent tried to use it to buy a video game! Now there's a kid that'll never have a girlfriend. Doesn't use it for beer, or cigarettes, or to see an R rated movie, nope this kid tries to buy a video game. So I now have two licenses after spending a whopping $5 to buy my replacement.
Sorry Dad, Shaw's is out. We're switching our allegiances from Shaw's to Hannaford. The new Hannaford is so big, so clean and much cheaper. Plus, their alcohol/wine/beer section is better as is their prepared foods section.
A big thank you to my buddy Mike for helping me out with a plumbing issue I was having. His solution took two seconds to remedy my issue and everything is working great now.
Went over and hung out with our neighbors for a bit this evening. It was nice finally really meeting them, as previously all we've done is the distance wave and a quick hello. They live in the two family across the street and seem really nice. The guys are big beer aficionado's like myself, so that was pretty cool.
And finally, does anyone wanna take a guess at what this is??

1 comment:
I know! I know! that is the yard monster that has eaten the tops off of my tomato plants, my pea plants, and my morning glories. PLus it is a freak of nature because it looks like a giant squirrel with NO tail!
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