Ok, before we start, a very happy 26
th birthday to my brother M. I may be older, but at least I have more hair than you do..
Good weekend all around. Nothing all that crazy, but solid.
Friday...well, we didn't do a darn thing Friday to be honest. Hung out all night, ordered some Chinese food and watched some
tv. I know, I know, sometimes we're just too crazy.. we really need to take our excitement down a level..
Saturday we made what has now become our weekly pilgrimage to
Lowes. The wife wants to start prepping for the spring, and picked up a bunch of veggies, etc to plant in our currently snow covered would-be garden. Personally, I love her optimism, but I think she's
batsh*t crazy. There's like two feet of snow out there still!
The rest of the day was spent working on our bedroom. The wife is working the skim coat, while I'm still plugging away at spots of wallpaper that are refusing to separate from the wall. Then again you can understand its reluctance to leave the wall, as its been there 100 years or so..

She sure is tall huh! I don't have a steady hand, so I leave all the finesse work to the wife. Thankfully she doesn't mind doing it and is doing a really great job.

Fantastic angle, isn't it. That's not even my good side. Then again, I have yet to discover my "good side". I'll let you know when I find it though.
After too many hours of scraping, we retired to our respective couches where we watched Psycho, the old Alfred Hitchcock movie. He does an amazing job filming the movie, but by today's standards the suspense just isn't there anymore.
That night we did our usual weekend routine, movie and apps. This week we saw
Vantage Point. Really good movie. Although I have to admit, the wife figured it out before I did. There's a first time for everything I guess. And for the first time, the theater was more than halfway full. We actually had to take a minute to survey the area and find a seat. Well, find a seat that was 3-4 seats away from the closest person. Anyway, the movie takes place over the course of 20 or so minutes, and they just show the same chain of events from different perspectives. It was quite obvious that a lot of people in the theater had no idea what the movie was about because we could hear the grumblings as it kept going back to the same starting point. It was a very good movie though, and I definitely recommend seeing it.
After the movie, we decided to hit the Olive Garden. I know what you're thinking.. why would we go to the Olive Garden? Well, we really miss everyone, and wanted to feel like family again. Sorry, that was a horrible joke, we've been hitting all the different area restaurants after our weekly movie, trying the food/drink and this time it was the OG's turn. The food wasn't all that bad, serviceable I guess, but it was their beer selection that really revved my engine. Check out their list of "Premium Beers"...(excuse the pic, it was taken with my phone camera)
I didn't know where to start! So many fantastic options to choose from!! I can't stop using exclamation points!!! Seriously though, are you kidding me. Thankfully they had Sam Adams on tap, so a crisis was averted. Although as the waitress cleared our table, she managed to somehow knock my beer over, spilling it across the table and onto the wife's coat. The wife thought it was funny and laughed to break the tension. I, on the other hand, flipped out, threw a chair through the window, body slammed a busboy and cursed out our waitress. Well, at least I did in the pretend world in my head. I really should have though, I mean, c'mon, she spilled my beer... totally not cool..
Today, nothing all that exciting. Hung around the house, went snowmobiling (with every trip out, I consider it the last trip of the season. So each additional time out is like bonus time to me), came home and made a very tasty stir fry for dinner. With vegetables and everything! Ever since we moved, I've been eating much healthier for some reason.
The wife finally broke down and got a Facebook account too. I think I may have created a monster though, as she's checked it at least 50 times in the past two days. I'm the internet junkie, not you my dear, so put the mouse down and slowly back away from the computer.
We've got a busy March coming up, with two trips to Boston on the calender and two different groups coming up to visit. Can't wait. It'll be nice to see everyone again, that's for sure.
1 comment:
Saw that movie too this w/e...and Dad was one of those 'grumblers'!
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