- So I forgot to mention it the other day, but I did something I've never done on a snowmobile before. Went over water. At first, it was just over a frozen bog which is only a couple feet deep. I can totally handle that. Later though, it was over a lake. A very large lake. My uncle told me to just follow the tracks already laid down and keep it around 20-30 mph. I did exactly as told on the way out to the middle of the lake, but on the way back I wasn't taking any chances and floored it. I think I'll stick to land thank you very much. I don't like fishing much, and really don't want to have to fish a 400 pound snowmobile out of a lake.
- Got a hair cut today. The before...
Go ahead, say it... its not long enough to get cut! Well if I can grab the hair, its too long.
This however, is a little too short, but that's ok. My head's like an effing chia pet, so it'll grow back in like 25 minutes. Justin may have coined the phrase, but I'm the one bringing sexy back...
- Good win by the Celtics tonight. Very good defense played, although I'm still worried about the lack of rebounding from anyone not named Garnett. Its all about the playoffs at this point though. They're in (barring a catastrophic collapse), so they need to rest the old guys and eventually set a firm rotation. The only thing that really worries me is Doc's coaching. I'm pretty certain that he lost that Phoenix game himself. His substitution pattern was... well it wasn't a pattern that's for sure.
- Have you heard about this? I've always been fascinated by the idea of Hitler hiding his spoils, only to be someday found. Only time will tell if these guys are right, but imagine how amazing it would be. Finding the Amber Room? Wow...
- So in my office at work, I have a panel that shows me which floor the alarm is going off on, when someone sets it off. (whether it be fire or emergency pull cords). It goes off probably once a day, and the majority of the time it goes off, I sprint up the stairs (and it always seems like its on the top couple floors) and try to find which apartment is in need. 90% of the time I get to the top of the stairs and the alarm shuts off (I hate that, I sprint up the stairs, huffing and puffing, only to have it shut off. Such a waste of precious energy) but a couple times a week, I get to go running into an apartment to save the day (I have a superhero complex, just ask the wife. I'm constantly having dreams where I save the day. Bizarre, I know). In every instance so far, its been people burning their dinner or whatever. Well today, I go flying up the stairs, find the apartment where the alarm is coming from, burst into the apartment (the door automatically unlocks when the alarm is going off) and the tenant is sitting in a chair, calmly watching tv. The entire apartment was filled with smoke (he left something on the stove too long) and I don't think he even noticed. He was just sitting there watching tv. Now mind you, the alarm is so loud that you can't hear yourself think, and he's sitting there like its a bird chirping in the window. Stove still on, smoke still coming from whatever it was he was cooking. Amazing...
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