So I think we're going to finish taking it down then replaster where need be and put a skim coat of on top of the entire wall surface area followed by painting it. I love old houses, I really do. I'll never buy something new, its just way too square for me and kinda Stepford-y (i never want to drive down the street and have all my neighbors houses look exactly like mine. i'm not smart enough to go in the right house everytime). Obviously, we still have quite a bit of work ahead of us, but we have nothing but time on our side, so its fine. We haven't decided on a paint color yet though, so if you have any ideas, feel free to let us know.
That night, we again decided to have a late dinner (8pm or so) and headed out. After a quick stop at the Texas Roadhouse (where there was a two hour wait), we moved on to the next restaurant, The 99. Say what you want about it, but its consistently good. We sat at the bar (the wife really liked it cuz their bar stools were padded with arms, so she didn't have to worry about falling off), got a couple of drinks each and had a really good dinner. After dinner we watched John Tucker Must Die. Those of you that know me, know that I love a good high school comedy. We really weren't expecting much, but it was actually really funny. Its your basic knock the high school jock down a few pegs, almost date him but end up dating his less cool younger brother and living happily ever after flick. Not exactly Citizen Kane, but its a movie and neither of us wanted to think, we just wanted to laugh and enjoy the show.
Sunday... well I really don't want to talk about the game.. but we had lots of people over, which was fantastic, and lots of good food too.
Tonight I went with the wife up to school (she had to use the computer lab for something real quick) then to Target. The Target part isn't important, but while at school some dude came down the street riding a unicycle. Not just a regular one either, he must have been 8 feet off the ground. It wasnt one of those olden times bikes with the HUGE front wheel and itsy bitsy back wheel either, it was just one big wheel with a seat and peddles. Bizarre...
This coming wknd, my parents and one of my brothers are coming up to visit. Can't wait. Funny huh, 10-15 years ago, I would have dreaded them visiting, now its the highlight of our month haha. We've made a lot of improvements to the house since they were last up, so I'm excited for them to see the changes. My brother hasn't seen the house yet, so it'll be nice to get his perspective on it. Its always fun, the first time someone sees the house in person, we always get the "wow, I can't believe you live here!", or "how many rooms are there!?". If you can't tell, I love my house.
1 comment:
you used to DREAD your parents visiting?????????? nice to know....
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