Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Is It Spring Yet?

Apparently not, as it was 13 degrees out when I left the house this morning..

  • So the Today show had a really interesting segment this morning on germs/autoimmune disease. Apparently there is a new study out that states that the reason that so many people/kids get sick and have more allergies than ever before is twofold. First is the amount of toxins in the air. All those factories pumping out all that bad stuff. Second is the influx of hand sanitizer. The sanitizer kills all the germs, which isn't a good thing. Not being exposed to germs doesn't allow one to build up a resistance to them. Makes sense to me. I've used hand sanitizer exactly once in my life (and that was like three weeks ago after going into a nasty apartment) and I get sick very rarely. Maybe once a year I use a sick day cuz I'm actually too sick to go to work.
  • This is a great article. "yeah um when we landed we were under heavy sniper fire so we had to run for cover." or you got off the plane, met the welcoming committee, conversed with a child and walked over to your waiting car. Either or, they're pretty much the same right?
  • A recent University of Tennessee study showed that guys people are happiest in a relationship when the woman is more attractive than the man. In my case, I'd say that's spot on!
  • And last, but certainly not least... the latest and greatest in restaurant technology.

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