Friday, August 29, 2008
Interesting Company
It's always funny how those random encounters end up making for fun nights. By the time she left, she was showing us pics of her husband and child and all that. It really made for a fun night.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Man, Could I Go For A Twinkie Right Now
Mmmm Fritos..
My guess is that it's not the teenage kids either, it's way too quiet back there for it to be kids. Like my lovely wife just said, "I shouldn't be able to get a contact high in my own house." Personally, I don't mind it so much, but it's bugging the heck out of her...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
More Evidence Towards The Wussification of America
Can you believe this story? This 9 year old isn't allowed to play because he's too good? Um what? He's only throwing 40 mph, that's really not fast or unusual for Little League. He's never hit a batter, so what's the big deal? This absolutely drives me crazy. These parents are teaching their kids to not ever bother trying because they might fail. Seriously, what kind of lesson is that? Every Little League has that one kid that's better than everyone else. It's just part of growing up. You know the kid is really good and you'll probably strike out or he'll probably hit a home run off you, but that one time you get a hit, or strike him out... man.. there's no better feeling.
I can understand the kids being scared to face the pitcher because they think he's throwing fast, but what are you teaching them by not even letting them try to be successful. Does anyone else see the irony here? The parents don't want the kids to try because they don't want them to fail, then they're playing the wrong sport. Baseball is a game based on failure. If you succeed three times out of ten, then you're one of the best. Failure is a huge part of the game...
It's like these parents want their kids to grow up in a bubble. Success is mandatory to them. If you don't fail from time to time, how are you supposed to learn how to succeed? When you fall down, you get back up. When you get knocked down, you get back up twice as fast. That's what I was taught and that's how what I'll teach my kids.
You participate in the sport, here's a trophy. There are no winners and losers anymore because they don't keep score (which isn't really true because the parents might not keep score, but the kids always know who won and what their record is). We were taught winning and losing and we turned out just fine. How's a kid going to learn anything about life by being taught to not even try if they know they won't be successful. Like I said, this is just another example of the wussification of America. This was quite the rant I know, but stuff like this just really bugs me.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mmmmm Brinner...
So this weekend is the Blue Hill Fair, and we can't wait to go. Last year was a lot of fun, so I'm hoping for the same outcome this year, except maybe we'll come home with a rooster or something. The best part though, as is the allure of all fairs(at least to me), is the food. Fried everything. Things that you can't eat on a day to day basis are more than acceptable to consume at fairs. Plus seeing all those animals makes you feel like a little kid on a field trip or something. For those of you out there who haven't been, you're missing out...
A couple of weeks ago I went on the Obama website and subscribed to the text message/email thing. Good idea at the time, bad idea overall. First I got the 3am text message stating that Biden is going to be the VP candidate. 3am? Seriously? You had to wake me up at 3am to tell me that? It couldn't wait until 6 or 7am? Second, all these emails were filling up my inbox at an alarming rate. Do I really need five emails a day from the Obama campaign? No, no I don't.. so I went back on the site today and unsubscribed. My dabble in politics participation is officially over...
For some reason, this really interests me. Not sure why either as most of the science behind it is way over my head. Maybe it's because the name of the lab sounds like a group of evil doers in a James Bond movie. Maybe its because the science involved sounds like one of those baby step experiments that end up with the machines taking over the world. Or maybe it's because there are some out there that think this experiment could lead to very bad things happening...
So I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that my brother finally got engaged. I got to thinking about it and some weird coincidences popped into my head. Both of us ended up with BC girls. Both of us haven't finished college but our respective girls are in grad school. Both of us drive/drove crappy cars when we got married while our lady friends drove/drive new much nicer cars. And we both bought houses with our lady friends before getting married. Small coincidences I know, but I thought it was kind of interesting.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Weekend
Saturday was spent in the yard cleaning up. If you remember when we first moved in, our yard looked like this...

That night, we went to the American Folk Festival downtown. We went last year, but went later in the evening so we didn't really get to see a whole lot. This time we went around six, and had dinner there, which was great for me, not so great for the wife (who knew eating a lobster roll from a booth at an all weekend festival would prove to be a horrendously bad idea). The music was great, we saw a bluegrass band and a group of gospel singers and they were both really good. But the best part of the night.. the funnel cakes. Really, it doesn't get any better. The yumminess of fried dough, but sooo much easier to eat without making a mess. I challenge you to name a tastier food than friedness and sugar! Not one exists I assure you!
Sunday, we got the bright idea to try to move a very large rose bush from the back of the house to the front of the house...It's not a very good picture, but you can see the bush (tied up) to the right of my lovely wife..

On a lighter note... two weeks I had a physical, got weighed and didn't like the result, I was getting fat. Two weeks ago we also started going for more walks and purchased the Wii. In the past two weeks, I'm down seven pounds, coincidence? I think not...
Nothing much going on this weekend, just trying to make it thru to next weekend really. Labor day.. no plans, just the usual stuff around the house. Three glorious work free days, I can't wait. This is a great time in Maine, everyday (when it's not raining of course) is 75-80 degrees, not a cloud in the sky and no humidity, really the perfect weather if you ask me. So hopefully it'll hold up thru Sept, when the family comes back up.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Links And Then Some
So I thought that this was interesting. Since we moved to Maine last year, this is actually something that the wife and I have noticed. When we hit the mall, or Target or any public place really, we notice that there tend to be a lot of bigger people out and about. Never mind the fact that you never see runners or people out for a walk. We go for a walk after work whenever we can and we NEVER see other people out walking…Its like the whole fitness thing hasn’t made it's up here yet..
This is my new favorite McCain story. He not only doesn’t know the price of a gallon of gas, but now he can’t remember how many houses he has. This says one of two things to me: either he’s too rich to care, or too old to remember, both aren’t good things. Remember though, he’s a man of the people! Well, at least a man of the Hamptons..
As my lovely wife said “Road trip to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!!!! Geez, there’s a phrase I never thought I’d say.” Now who’s in? This looks like it would be so much fun, just don’t get in the way of one. I think I’d opt for the water logged version. Being strapped in makes me think I’d end up getting really really dizzy which would lead me to get really really sick. So instead of swirling around in some water, I’d be swirling around in lunch…
Anyone else out there watching the Olympics at all? I’m not really into it (after seeing athletes get completely hosed in the “judged” competitions, I’m more sure than ever that any judged activity is not a sport. Simple as that. When the outcome is out of your hands and in the hands of an “impartial” judge, then its not a sport, it’s a pageant. Sure these people are amazing athletes, but it still doesn't make it a sport.
Anyway, when did ping pong become an Olympic sport? Or maybe the question should be, why did ping pong become an Olympic sport? And what about BMX racing? I’m not sure the Greeks had this in mind.
So yesterday we threw a big party at work for all the residents. Basically the staff cooks hamburgers, hot dogs and other bbq type food for the residents. We also have karaoke, games with prizes and things like that. Well yesterday was crazy. Normally a certain person at work (not me) would handle all the party planning and mc'ing etc, but that person recently left and we haven't filled the position yet. So that left everything to me. However, my lovely wife was kind enough to come in and give us a hand. You'd be amazed at how many of my residents kept saying that Sarah doesn't look old enough to be my wife. Does that mean she looks young, or do I look old? The party went really well though, I only had to sing a couple of karaoke songs (old time rock and roll by bob seger and the locomotion.. and yes, i'm a horrible singer) and everyone enjoyed all the prizes.. good times were had by all...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Stupid Is What Stupid Does
But the one true moron prize goes to my cashier. I don't think she realized that the scanner only works when the little lasers under the glass make contact with the bar code on the product. She would shake my stuff over the scanner hoping to hear that little beep. And when it didn't scan quick enough for her, what did she do? She shook it harder and faster thinking that the machine would just guess what she was trying to scan.
I'm not exactly the smartest guy ever... but stupid people really bug the crap out of me...
On a completely unrelated lighter note...according to google analytics, so far I've had people from 33 states, and 15 countries read this blog. How cool is that? Somewhere in Latvia, some 40 year old recent divorcee stumbled across this page and got really ticked off cuz he was hoping it was about this Morrissey. For some reason, that's funny to me...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Oh What A Weekend!
The weekend started off with the misses and I making our way down to Boston for a couple of days of baby visiting. First off, we hit Beth Israel Hospital where we got to meet the newest member of our extended family. Little Thomas William...I can't decide if I'm going to go with Tom or Tommy yet, we'll see..
That night, we headed over to our friend Jimmy and Stacy's to hang out for the evening. It was a really great time; their baby Emma is about ten months old now and about 10 minutes away from running around the house. She seems like she has zero interest in crawling at this point, she just wants to get up and sprint. Its funny though, as young as she is, she's still almost as tall as my wee-folk wife...
Saturday we went over to Phil and Sue's for a bbq. They just moved into their new house a couple of weeks ago, but it looks amazing. Again, all the friends were there, so we got to spend a lot of time with everyone catching up...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Now I finally get to go buy some presents too. The sex of that baby wasn't known, so we couldn't buy anything until now. Tomorrow I'm hitting the stores and spoiling him.... well not really him since he'll only be like two days old when we meet, so more like his parents who then will have one less thing to buy (or fifteen less things, like I said, this child will be spoiled). And don't worry, there will be plenty of pictures posted this weekend..
Ok, so this is totally off the subject from above, but it really caught my attention so I figured I'd pass it along... I'm in the car coming home for lunch, listening to one of my country stations and the following ad comes on, "If you don't believe in the god in "under god" in the pledge of allegiance then you're listening to the wrong radio station. " Umm ok.. how is this a good idea for an ad? Wouldn't you want as many people as possible listening to your station? More people, equals more listeners, equals more ad revenue. Apparently not here though, apparently all those heathens out there need not listen. Get your country music elsewhere sinners!
We just had the most random thing happen... the doorbell rang, so we both looked up from the tv, and no one was at the door. Weird right? Well no, Mainers have a tendency of using the backdoor, so off we went to check there. I, of course, being the man of the house, let the wife answer it while I stood in the dining room listening in. Turns out, its some random lady. First she says to the wife, "who's car is that?". So the wife answers, "Um mine." To which the woman replies, "Is there another apartment in your house?". To which the wife replies, "no, this is our house, there are no apartments here." This thoroughly confused the woman who then asks what street she's on, thinking she's on Maple St., which is 2 streets over. Apparently she was going to a friends to drink some wine and have some Triskets (she had lots of both in her hands), and was lost. Methinks she dipped into the wine a little early, as our house is very distinctive (none of the houses on the streets around us looking anything like it) and our street clearly doesn't say MAPLE! And no, she didn't leave any wine for us...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A Day In MA
I also thought I'd post some random pictures for you. The first one is of my lovely wife's tomato plants....

Remember how we ripped apart the lawn? Well here's what it looks like now.. at least when it's not raining out...

Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Weekend
Weekend was good, my parents game up to visit which is always fun. Friday night we just went to a local brew pub for dinner, then home to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. I'm not a huge fan of the games, but I was outnumbered so I had no choice. The opening ceremonies were really impressive, the amount of synchronization was amazing, but they were too long for my liking. Now comes two plus weeks of events, most of which I have no real interest in.
Saturday we introduced my parents to the Wii. Surprisingly enough, they both picked it up pretty quickly, although I think my mom pulled a muscle bowling. Later that afternoon, dad and I went golfing with my uncle while mom and the wife went shopping. I played my best round of the summer, which was nice. And that night we went over to my other uncles house for a cook out. Whenever those Morrissey brothers get together, hilarity ensues. All the old stories come out and everyone always leaves sore from all the laughing.
Today, after my parents left, we hung out and discussed baby names. Soooo many to choose from. And you've gotta be careful what you choose, because a child's name can limit their future employment opportunities. For instance, if you name her daughter after a mineral (i.e. crystal), you might as well enroll her in dance classes now, because she's going to be a stripper. Certain names just invoke certain images don't they? Maybe it's because you went to high school with a girl named Becky, and she was easy, so you can't name your kid Becky now. Or maybe you had a hardass of a boss named Bob, so you can't name your kid Bob now either. We have a couple of pretty good ideas so far, but we're not going to tell anyone what they are. People can judge us after it's official and legal, but not a second before.
Speaking of kids, all of our required forms have been mailed out, so we're just waiting for the agencies used to do their part. Hopefully it won't take too too long. This whole process is all about waiting I guess. Waiting for the paperwork, waiting for the ok from the social worker, waiting to be picked by a birth mother, waiting for the baby to be born, waiting for the legal grace period to conclude, then finally coming home. I love talking about it though, because for the most part, everyone is very excited for us. Some have seemed a little confused as to why we're adopting, but like my grandmother said, (paraphrasing) if they don't support our choices, then we really don't need them in our life. (which is true in this situation, but if we were choosing to do crack, i think i'd still need them around haha)
And finally, remember a while ago I mentioned that I was going to be a godfather to my cousins baby? Well, she's due this week!!!! No idea what the sex is yet, as they want it to be a surprise, but that's ok, as long as it's healthy that's all that matters right! So good luck Lisa, and remember to breathe!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
In Boston For The Day
On the way home though, I came to the following conclusion: Massachusetts people do not know how to drive. With traffic in the middle lane going 65, you're required to go more than 65.5 in the left lane! Also, blinkers.. you have them down there right? Cuz no one ever seems to use them. In New Hampshire, I was lucky enough to get stuck behind Sadi, the cigarette smoke, Irish lesbian. How do I know this you ask? Well I'm assuming her name is Sadi because that's what her license plate was and I know she's an Irish lesbian because of the Ireland sticker and gay pride sticker on the back of her car. I also deduced that she's a smoker by watching her flick her cigarette out the window, which then bounced off my windshield. Nice. After 10 minutes, she finally moved to the right land and let me and the 15 cars behind me pass, how nice of her.
So my parents are coming up this weekend. Gotta pray for some nice weather so my father, my uncle and I can golf on Saturday. It's been raining pretty much non stop up here the last week or so. I'm determined though, at some point to get my parents to play Wii...I just feel like that would be highly amusing to me...
Monday, August 4, 2008
Hi, My Name's Jay And I'm Addicted to Wii
Moving right along.. is it wrong the the wife and I have started watching Home Improvement at lunch? Does it help or hurt that after all these years I still find it really funny? I'm a sad sad little man huh..
So I forgot to mention that we went and got finger printed the other day. We just had to go down to the police station and have the nice men in blue do it. The nice police officer joked that the wife's finger nails, acting as handles, made it a lot easier for him to guide her fingers from the ink to the paper. I made the joke that it was probably nice for him to be dealing with sober people for a change... Speaking of the finger prints, we sent them to the FBI to be processed except we (read: I) forgot to include the check. So the FBI just called and asked where the money was. Thankfully I got the nicest FBI agent ever and he nicely explained what to do and how to fix the problem quickly. Can't say I've ever had the FBI call the house before though...
Anyone else see this story on My guess is that its just a turtle without its shell...
Hey lobster fans, have you noticed the price lately? Up here, it's down to $6 a pound! (they're saying it's due to a great harvest and a weak economy, people just don't want to buy it as much so there's more of it) That's cheaper than a pound of turkey at the deli counter! Also, if you haven't noticed, the summer is almost over! C'mon people, we live in vacation land! Why does no one want to come visit us! The spring and fall aren't that fun up here, as it's usually cold and wet. Winter, we can snowmobile and all that. Summer, perfect weather, lots of outdoor stuff to do. Spring, its cold and rainy. For a couple of weeks in the fall its nice, but then once you hit early October its all down hill fast... so come up and visit while you can!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Me And My Wii..
Friday night, we hit the movies. This week it was the wife's turn to pick, so we saw the new Mummy movie. Believe it or not, it actually wasn't that bad, it was actually pretty good. It's not exactly Oscar worthy or anything, but for a summer movie it was perfect. No thinking, just entertainment. If you're looking for a fun summer flick, this would be a good choice. After the movie we hit the 99 for a bite to eat and a couple of drinks.
Saturday, I ran over to my uncles house to borrow his lawnmower as mine is still not cooperating. After I finished mowing, we went back over to hang out for a bit, and our favorite 3 year old was there, Logan. Logan is the daughter of a friend of my aunt's and is perhaps the cutest little girl you've ever met. It worked out well, cuz after playing with her for an hour or so, I was ready for a nap...which I did when we got home.. the perfect afternoon.
Now here's where it gets good. After a wonderful chinese food dinner, we made a trek to Target. What did we get at Target you ask? Perhaps the worlds bestest invention, the Nintendo Wii. This thing is absolutely fantastic. It's a video game console, but you actually have to use your whole body, not just your thumbs to play. When you play tennis, you actually have to swing the racket. When you bowl, you actually have to swing your arm in the right motion and all that. Sooo much fun. So far, we have the game it came with (wii sports) along with another sports game (deca sports) and a game called Rayman (which if fantastic. you're basically this animal kidnapped by some crazy bunnies who make you do all sorts of tasks. so weird i know, but there's a certain thrill in throwing a cow 150 feet or shooting rabid crazy bunnies with a bathroom plunger gun)
Today was spent playing lots and lots of Wii, but we also watched Juno. Have you seen this movie? Good stuff. It's about a high school kid that gets pregnant and decides to give the baby up for adoption. Very dry humor, hilarious, but a really good movie, and pretty relevant to our life right now too.
I know it doesn't sound like a very exciting weekend, but it sure was. Wii is fantastic, but half the fun is watching the other person play. Trust me, you really have to give it a try when you come up. My Wii muscles are killing me right now, which I guess means I'm really out of shape huh.