- Don't forget.. My cousin Lisa's husband Jeremy won a really cool contest. He is hosting a one hour show from the Margaritaville Cafe in Orlando on Jimmy Buffett's Radio Margaritaville this Saturday, December 8th. Two others won also, and each of them gets a 1 hr show, from 2-5pm (his slot is 4-5pm), and then the winner is chosen from a voting period which is from 5-6pm. The winner gets to host future after-concert shows along with some other stuff.Radio Margaritaville is available on Sirius Satellite Radio (Channel 31), on the Dish Network (Channel 6031), and on the internet at radiomargaritaville.com. If you don't have either Sirius or the Dish Network and want to listen, you can go to http://www.sirius.com/ and sign up for a free 3-day trial to listen via internet. Voting is from 5-6pm this Saturday, Dec 8th at 866-55-PARROT or online at www.sirius.com/jimmy. I know I'll be listening.
- We bought a Christmas tree Thursday night. First we went to Nicky's for dinner, which was just fantastic. I got a chilly cheeseburger (minus the cheese of course, i wouldn't want to be unhealthy) and the wife got an omelet with toast (they serve breakfast all day/night. we took Eileen and Ern there and the in-laws when they visited). After waddling back to the car, we drove the 7 feet over to the xmas trees and picked one out. Here it is...
We put it in the library, and I think we'll get to decorating it today or tomorrow. Hopefully we'll convince some family to come over and help. If there are people around, there's less of chance the wife will yell at me for decorating it wrong. Well, thats not quite right, she'll still yell, just not as loud as she would if it was just the two of us. Dontcha just love the holidays!
- So when I went to work yesterday, it was -5 degrees out (at 730am) My kitchen thermometer totally said it was 4 degrees out, but I think the weatherman knows better than the free digital thermometer/clock I got for opening a checking account.
- We got another inch or so of snow last night. Barely noticeable really except when the plow comes by and pushes all the snow from earlier in the week back into my driveway. I'm afraid the plastic shovel just isn't cutting it, I think we'll have to upgrade to something metal to take care of the ice. Back to Home Depot we go..
- Went to see Enchanted last night. Obviously, it was the wife's turn to pick the movie. If I was a seven year old girl, I would have loved this movie. Fortunately, I'm not. It wasn't a bad movie per se, it just wasn't really my type of movie. I mean who doesn't dream of being a princess one day, but I got over that two or three years ago. The funny part is, the last two movies the wife has picked have been fairy tale type flicks (Stardust being the other). I guess I'm not providing her with the happily ever after she desires, so she has to live thru the characters on the big screen... The weird part about the movie though was that it was edited in such a way that both the misses and I kept expecting commercials. Its like they filmed it so that in three years when its on TBS every twelve minutes, they can just slide the ads in seamlessly.
- Woke up this morning, turned on the tv and What about Bob was on. I've always loved this movie and its even better when you catch it randomly on cable. Dr. Leo Marvin's (Richard Dreyfuss' character) daughter was played by the girl from Law & Order Criminal Intent (the one that used to be on Sunday's now its on USA with Vincent D'Onofrio). It took us like 10 minutes of watching before we finally figured out who she was.
- So I go to Home Depot this morning and hit Starbucks after, cuz we're addicted now. Of course I had to remind the barrister to use soy (one of these days they're going to kill me). As I'm pulling out of the parking lot, this 7-8 year old kid starts giggling and picks up a huge chunk of snow and throws it at my car! No parent around of course, so I let it slide. As I get into the car and start pulling out of the spot, he throws some more snow on the car, then some more! So I decide to hadle this in adult way (who am I kidding). As I pull towards the exit and he's running behind me, I stop, then gun the engine, spinning the tires kicking slush up at him. Little shi*t, I'll teach you a lesson...
- Well, I just got the call I've been waiting for. I'm going snowmobiling now (and I have to fix my uncles cable, its a horrible picture for some reason) Off I go...
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Everybody's Workin' for the Weekend!
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Barista: one who has acquired some level of expertise in the preparation of espresso-based coffee drinks.
Barrister: a lawyer found in many common law jurisdictions which employ a split profession (as opposed to a fused profession) in relation to legal representation.
I cannot wait to see it decorated!
I like the way you handled the little kid throwing snow at your car. :)
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