Saturday night we had the family over to dinner. This was to be our first time having everyone over for dinner since moving up here. (we've basically been mooching off them for the past five months) I cooked the entire dinner, as my lovely wife got "stuck in traffic" (or so she says) for 45 minutes and didn't make it home in time to help. That's ok though, I like being in control in my kitchen. I made a shrimp scampi, pasta, sauce, meatballs, salad, bread and a desert(monkeybread). I thought we were going to have way too much food, but we didn't have that many leftovers, and what was leftover is pretty much gone by now. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food, and I haven't had any reports as of yet of people getting sick, so that's good. Don't worry, those of you who don't eat anything other than beef, next time I'll make something you can eat too :)
I forgot to take a picture while we were eating, so here's the empty table. (we only have 4 chairs as the other four have yet to arrive, so we had to use 4 folding chairs)

I was only slightly concerned about going. Not because it was snowing and it was going to continue to snow all day, so the roads wouldn't be that clear. Nope, it was coooold out. The car dash said 9 degrees, and that thermometer is usually a little on the warm side, so I'd say it was closer to five out.

The rest of today was just a normal day. Shoveled a couple of times, did some painting around the house, watched the Pats game. Nothing exciting. Speaking of the Pats game though, is it me or is Rodney Harrison incredibly chippy? Always hitting someone after the whistle or running his mouth. Just play the game dude, make a play first, then you can talk trash.
Couple random thoughts:
- When we first purchased our couch, I would sit on it and sometime smash down the cushions, trying to get comfortable. Needless to say I got yelled at a lot! ("you're going to ruin the couch!") It seems to be nothing but cuteness when the misses' felines do the same thing..
Look at the cushion! If it could speak it would be screaming in pain!
- You know how people have lists of things they'd like to do before they die? I don't really have a formal one, but one thing I'd really like to do is sit in the audience at a taping of America's Funniest Home Videos. Is that wrong? That show makes me laugh no matter what kind of mood I'm in. I don't care how many times I see it, other people getting hit in the groin is ALWAYS funny. I will not argue this.
- Good win by the Patriots today. Tough weather to play in. Didn't play their best game, but a wins a win. Also good to see the Dolphins win. You never want to see go winless in season
- Another win by the Celtics today. They're 20-2 on the season and the best part is, the bench is playing well. That was the biggest concern going into the season and so far they've stepped it up. With Ray Allen hurt, Tony Allen has been playing big minutes and playing pretty solid. Very encouraging.
- I'd say we got about 8 inches of snow, so nothing all that bad. Its starting to turn to freezing rain now though, which isn't good. All the snow that has fallen has been the light fluffy stuff that's easy to shovel. All this freezing rain is just going to make all the snow thick and a pain to move.
- Last, but certainly not least... a big pat on the back for the misses. She got an email today from one of her professors saying that because she had an 'A' in the class, she wouldn't have to take the final. How great is that?!?!? Someday, if our future kids get her smarts and my athletic ability, then we'll have a child that will peak athletically at 13, but will be smart enough to get any job they want! As you can tell, I don't bring much to the table in the way of genes :) But anyway, nice job baby! Now you'll only be half as cranky when you study...
1 comment:
I read somewhere on your blog that you were looking for some decent pizza in Bangor. Have you tried Finelli's on Ohio St?
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