We just hung around that morning, cleaning the house, nothing all that exciting. Around noon we decided to get check out the furniture store down the street that was having a 50% off everything in stock sale. We're on the lookout for a dinning room set and (for me, not so much the misses) a leather recliner. Well their recliner selection wasn't really what I was looking for, so we focused on dining room sets. We found two that we really liked, but we had the toughest time making a decision. Thankfully a lovely couple came along and bought one of the two we were looking at, forcing us to make a decision. Here's what we got..

Bringing the table into the house was an adventure in itself. No delivery, that was part of the sale, so we loaded everything into the car (two trips, one with the chairs, one with the table) and brought it home. The wife, she's like and ant. She can lift like 10x her body weight. Unfortunately, the table weighed more than that, so we somehow pushed and pulled and slid the table from the car, up the stairs and into the house. Mind you, it was 19 degrees out when we did this, so that didn't help any...
After putting the legs on and setting it up, we started decorating for Christmas. Cousins B & D came by to help and off we went. Sarah and B took the inside while D and I took the outside. Again, the temperature was in the teens, so that didn't help, but we got the job done. And thanks to D for sacrificing life and limb crawling under the porch stairs to help run extension cords.

The wife took the inside, and as you can see, she didn't really want me to take her picture. If you look closely, you can actually see that her eyes are in mid roll. Since she started dating me, she's really become a master of eye rolling. Its gotten to the point where even if I have my back to her, I can feel her eyes rolling. You can also see cousin B's hand in the corner there. She had no interest whatsoever in being in this pic either. I've never seen her move so fast...
Cousin D stayed over Saturday night and we got some pizza (Amato's... mmmmmm) and watched a Harry Potter movie and Transformers. I. Love. Transformers. The misses and D, not as much, but everyone still had fun.
Today was another busy day. The misses ran a bunch of errands (mostly Home Depot) while I stained the attic floor. No pics yet, as I still have to put the 2-3 coats of poly on it. So I'll have pics in the next day or two. I gotta say though, it looks fantastic. A hundred times better than it did before we did all the work on it. We're getting pretty good at this home improvement thing. After we finish the attic (this week hopefully), we've got a couple other indoor winter projects we're going to tackle. Good times. We also finished winterizing the basement and I attempted to fix the doorbell. Still not working though, and I think its the speaker the chimes come out of, not the button itself. When you ring the doorbell, it rings for 5 seconds then goes all static-y. I didn't turn off the power when fixing it though, so I kept getting tiny jolts every time I touched the wires. Doorbells don't use enough electricity to hurt you, but it does make your fingers tingle. We also switched out all the outlets in our bedroom as the ones already in place were at least 75 years old. Ok, maybe not 75 years old, more like 20, but still they needed to go. A trip to Home Depot for one last extension cord for the lights and a stop at AC Moore for some indoor decorations for the misses and home we went..
To finish off, just a couple of random thoughts:
- Ticketmaster suc-didily-ucks. A bunch of us tried getting Kenny Chesney tix for this summer. Couldn't get thru online or over the phone. One of our friends even stood in line for over an hour, only to be told once it opened up that they couldn't sell tickets in person for some unknown reason. If it turns out that all the tickets were purchased by resellers and scalpers, I might have to bust some heads. Not cool...Still holding out hope that they'll release some more tix at a later date though.
- I'm addicted to Starbucks. This is not good. I've never been a coffee drinker, at all, up until the past week or so. Now I need it all the time. Not good at all.
- They're finally coming out with a Ghostbusters video game for xbox. Can't wait, looks fantastic, and the the script was written by Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd, with all the original characters doing the voices. Nice.
- Celtics: Good game today. Still not 100% happy with them though. They settle for jumpers way too often. Too much driving and kicking. They need to attack the hoop more and get more layups. Otherwise, I love the way they're moving the ball and playing tough defense. You don't see that in the NBA all that often anymore.
- And finally... I know all you Boston folks are expecting a little snow (an inch or two right) this week. Well so are we here up north. Only its not a little, its a lot. They're saying 8-16 inches. I'll believe it when I see it, but holy crap, Mother Nature doesn't mess around up here huh. Although this does mean I'll soon be taking my first snowmobile ride. And thankfully cousin D has given his approval on our snow shovel selection. He's gotta be the only 12 year old ever that actually enjoys manual labor.
I take the pictures for a reason.
I don't want to be in the pictures.
Settle in a Nor'eastah is coming.
the table looks great!
Love the dining room set. Great choice!
Love the new table and decorations!
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