Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm no longer answering the door

With the exception of invited/known people, I think only weirdos come to my door or wander up the driveway to talk. Over the last two years there was:
  • The kid who parked at the end of the driveway and walked up to tell me, as I sit in the sun, my driveway looked like crap and he could fix it at a discount because he was going to be in the area anyway. Great sales pitch.
  • The guy selling meat out of his truck- who came to the back door- and was going to give me a great deal and called me "Sweetie." Yuck and yuck and hell no.
  • The woman (I think, I never saw her) who scared the hell out of me by going to the front door (knocking), then the back door and by the time I figured out what was going on had left- I have no idea how since I should have been able to see her out the window. But she left a note offering to buy the piece of furniture sitting on the front porch.
  • The religious kids down the street who asked for "Susan" then wanted to talk. They had also caught us at the end of our driveway in the freezing cold to try to chat.
  • The women who wanted to read me Bible passages. Telling them I was Jewish was not a deterrent.
  • The nursing students looking for empty bottles.
  • The weird guy who just asked if I had yard work that needed done- first, no. Second, there is still SNOW on the ground. And third, no. After I said no, he asked for empty bottles. I'm getting really good at saying no.

I think I'm going to stop answering the door, the only good times it ringsWhen we aren't expecting company is when the UPS or FedEx guy brings a present. This is also why I hate having a door with a big window- I can't peek then walk away because they can see me!

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