The Teams:
- Kynt & Vyzsin - Goth couple. They work really well together, but their appearance might hurt them when they're looking for help in a foreign country. My prediction, 5-1 chance of winning. (aka, Team Goth)
- Jennifer & Nathan - white young blond couple. They complain a lot, she doesn't seem to want to put in the effort necessary to win. He's kind of a dink and yelled at her a couple of times. Teams that fight a lot don't tend to do all that well. 18-1 chance (Team Bitchy)
- Ronald & Christina - Asian father and daughter. They're both very nice, almost too nice. I can't see them doing that well due to a lack of team speed/strength. Plus, father/daughter teams tend to get voted out in the middle of the pack. 20-1 (Team Daddy Issues)
- Shana & Jennifer - blond girls. Not nearly as fun to cheer for as last years blonds. These two want to "flirt they way thru the race". Well that's not how you win, bubye ladies, 15-1 (Team Peroxide)
- Azaria & Hendekea - black siblings. Very nice to each other, work well together, smart and athletic. Baring any unforeseen issues, I see them going far, 3-1 (Team Siblings)
- Lorena & Jason - white young brunette couple. He's an arse, she spent the entire episode whining about everything. Sorry guys, its not in the cards, 22-1 (Team BooHoo)
- Ari & Staella - best friends, girl and gay guy. Couldn't tell their voices apart, that's annoying. Too much yelling and bitching, not a chance guys, sorry, 50-1 (Team Bubye)
- Marianna & Julia - brunette latin sisters. Not a fan of these two for some reason, not sure why. They weren't on the first episode that much, so it was tough to get a feel for them. They seem to work well together though, 12-1 (Team Hermana)
- Rachel & TK - white couple, he has the long hair. Communicated well, lots of smiling, I have a good feeling about these two, 4-1 (Team Hippy)
- Nicholas & Donald - grandfather and grandson. I like them, kid was carrying both backpacks, good strategy. However, one needs to be smart and in very good shape to win, sorry guys, 40-1 (Team Grampa)
- Kate & Pat - Married ministers. Didn't show much of them this episode either. Don't have a good feeling as, once again, the younger, more in-shape couples tend to have the advantage, 25-1 (Team Unitarian)
So my final 3 would be Rachel & TK, Kynt & Vyxsin, and Azaria & Henderkea. Not sure who I want to win yet though, I need to watch one more episode before I decide. Right now, my gut is telling me the siblings, Azaria & Henderkea are the smart money..
Here's what I don't get though, the first couple of episodes (or legs of the race) the goal is simple, Don't Come In Last! Who cares about the smaller prizes, you've got to think "big picture". Do your thing, align yourself with a strong team and go go go. These people all stress out about coming in 7th or whatever. Not a concern this early. Keep the fighting to a minimum and fly in under the radar. Tonight's episode started off perfectly, with everyone beeping their horns at Team Grampa. What's the rush, you're all in line, no one can move! After getting lost on the way to the airport, the teams had to fly to Ireland, where the 2nd flight to leave landed before the first (I love when that happens). Upon landing, the first stolen taxi of the season occurred (stealing another teams taxi is a Race staple). The tandem bikes in the mud up the hill had potential for hilarity, but nothing came of it. Although seeing people on tandem bikes is always funny, just not hilarious. After biking across a small inlet on a high wire, the teams had to load up a donkey and lead it down the hillside. You could tell right away who the animal people were though, as yelling at an animal to do as you say, never works. In fact, the opposite usually happens. Some donkey's trotted, others refused to move. Although its amazing no one got kicked, as lots of teams got behind the borough and pushed. That's asking for a hoof to the groin. Which, although hysterical to me, its not so much to the person being kicked.(it would, however, leave the door open for them to maybe win on America's Funniest Home Video's) After a somewhat boring conclusion, Team Siblings came in first, with Team Goth, and Team Hippy coming in 2nd and 3th respectively.
I think it'll be another good season, it's got the potential at least. Feel free to throw in your two cents. And on a related note, who wants to put in an application with me?!?!? The wife doesn't want to, so I need a partner! Matt? Steve? Phil? Sue? (sorry mom, you and your little itsy bitsy legs would just slow me down, plus, we'd kill each other haha)
I am all for Team New Orleans Siblings! I think they will go far... once they figure out directions. And the other two teams you have in your top three, I agree with, too. No good scenes at the end this week... so who knows what is to come. And I am so psyched the annoying guy and girl were last to arrive. They stole the cab at the beginning, so karma got them. Thank goodness. They stunk, and we knew them for less than an hour.
Hey, I'm interested in participating. Although I've never watched the show, it sounds like it's a physically challenging scavenger hunt. That all sounds like fun. As long as we don't have to eat weird stuff. Maybe I should watch the show first, before I commit. But keep me in mind!
I don't watch The Amazing Race, so no comment on that. RE: present ideas. How about... another cat? haha... I will email you some gift ideas.
Your top three predicitions are spot on. And the couple who berated each other and kept describing things as "The HARDEST THING I've EVER DONE!!"? HATE them! Hate them even more than the flirty blondes.
I've actually applied 6 times--once with Seth (we got called back; I blew it), three times with my gay best friend (we got interviewed; were both too giggly and nervous), and twice with different girlfriends. It's the only reality show I'd ever do. Except for Singing Bee...
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