Saturday we left for Boston. Upon our arrival, we went straight to DSW so the wife could get her shoe fix. Needless to say, we both left with a new pair of shoes. (she made me buy them, I swear!) After leaving, we realized that we didn't sign Maya's birthday card, and we didn't have a pen in the car, so we stopped at an ATM and used the pen in the vestibule. Good thinking on my part, if I do say so myself.
That afternoon was little Maya's first birthday party. Lots of people, lots and lots of babies. Everywhere you looked, babies! It was fun though, I got to meet my friend Jimmy and Stacey's new baby, Emma, who's the sweetest little thing ever. She's very quiet and didn't mind being held by everyone at all...

After the party, we headed over to Lori and Rob's to meet their new baby girl, Julia. Again, our friends got lucky, and had the sweetest little girl. The second I held her, she immediately curled up into a ball in my arms and fell right asleep...
(obviously, neither of these pictures is me holding the baby. The wife holds, I snap the pic, its just the way it is)
That night, we headed over to Phil and Sue's for a late dinner and the BC game. Had a really good time hanging out and talking, not to mention the fabulous spaghetti and meatball dinner we were treated to. When we hang out, its usually Phil, Sue and I drinking, and Sarah watching. Nothing changed Saturday. Although whenever I try a new beer now, I make the wife try it too, as she's much better than I am at describing the flavors. Speaking of which, I tried a new beer, 420 IPA out of Denver. They call it 420 because they allegedly failed 419 times to get the flavor right.. well I'm here to tell you that they should have kept trying. Just not a good beer at all. I'd give it a 2 on the jayscale. Otherwise though, we had a good time hanging out and catching up.
Sunday, we stopped over my parents house to say hi before heading home. Its great sitting down and catching up. A lot got said in the short hour we were there (Sarah, my mom and I can all talk with the best of them, my father picks his spots to throw out the one liners), but its fun and always great to see them. After, we headed back home to Maine and once again I made record time. When I got home, Sarah settled in for a evening of homework, while I went to the Sea Dog to meet up with my uncle and some of his friends to watch the Patriots game. Great time. Their Pumpkin ale is really very good. Great flavor, darker amber color, not too much of an after bite taste, overall a sold 8 on the jayscale. The game itself was very good, and fun to watch as we basically had the bar to ourselves. There were a couple of other people there, and by couple, I actually mean two. It was nice though, as we didn't have to worry about making too much noise or bugging out people. There was one girl, sitting by herself decked out in Colts gear, who was really into the game. She got quieter and quieter as the game went on though. (that might also have been because a sketchy dude in a suit (who wears a suit on a Sunday in Maine?) was hitting on her). Great game and great beer, the perfect night. A umm lovely older lady was kind enough to buy us a round of drinks too. My uncle was wearing a Boston Firefighters t-shirt, and the lady's uncle was part of the BFD before retiring. I also think she was kinda hitting on my uncle. Which was kinda creepy as she wasn't exactly a catch. Don't worry Uncle D, you still got it though. (Aunt S, you have nothing to worry about, ever! hahaha)
We didn't get to watch the Amazing Race last night, but we will tonight, so later this evening I'll handicap the field and post it. For anyone else out there who watches it, feel free to post and throw in your two cents too.
I'm heading to Boston tomorrow for the rest of the week for work. So I'll be posting on location.
1 comment:
Cute baby! Babies seem to attract each other. I guess it makes sense that when you have a baby you start hanging out with people who have babies. Are you guys next???
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