Anyway, so I went to the store tonight to pick up some chicken for dinner (mmm fried chicken and french fries.. heart attack waiting to happen). When I went to the check out line, I counted my items (8) and got into the 10 items or less lane. The people in front of me obviously didn't count their items, they have 17 (I counted for them). And of course one of their items didn't have a price on it, so one of the bagger kids had to run to the isle to find out what it was. Then of course they paid in cash, wasting more time digging around for the money, then taking time to place all the change just right in her little purse. What makes someone think its ok to go into the 10 items or less isle with more than 10 items??? She was wearing glasses, and people that can read sometimes wear glasses, so I don't think she just missed the sign. They blatantly disobeyed store policy! Sure, I can see if you happen to have 11 items, that's ok, it'll let it slide once. But 17?!?!?! Do you think you're better than the rest of us? Do you think that you don't have to pay attention to the rules of society and the grocery store? I hate people like that. They were probably anarchists or something anyway.
I think we either need to start wearing larger sized shoes, or put the cat on a diet.. you decide...

In other news, one of the gifts I purchased the other night online for my lovely wife's birthday showed up today. Good news, it came before her birthday. Bad news, she now knows I got her something from LL Bean. That's ok, she'll probably return it anyway, which makes it convenient that we're going to the LL Bean outlet in Freeport next week. The second gift hasn't arrived yet, but I bought it on amazon, so she won't have a clue what it is.
One last thing. Does anyone have an old fake Christmas tree that they no longer use? We're looking for one to put on the front porch this holiday season. They're really expensive at Target and Home Depot, so I figured I'd see if anyone had an old one they don't use anymore. We'll be in Boston next week for Thanksgiving if you'd like us to take it off your hands...
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