Today, I went for a 2 hour, 28 mile, snowmobile ride with my uncle and cousin. Good times all around. I love being outside, out on the sled. You totally lose yourself in your thoughts. Its like when I was younger, I'd go to church just so I could have those 45 minutes to think and relax without interruption (besides all that sitting/standing kneeling of course). Now, I go snowmobiling.

Great news, we have our next visitors scheduled to come up! My parents are coming up the wknd after the Super Bowl. Now we just need to guilt my brothers into coming up too. Although one will say he's coming, then bail at the last minute, and the other will say he has to work even though he doesn't. That's how they roll :) Whatever though, if they don't love their big brother enough to come up and visit once, its cool... no really, it is.. I'll get over it..
And for anyone else thinking of visiting, I have a tip. Come up in the winter when we can do snow related activities, or wait until the summer to come up. Spring is just cold and rainy, so we'll be stuck in the house the entire time. Now that's just a tip, you're always welcome to come up whenever you'd like though and we'd love to have you up.
I came home from work the other day and the wife had made the executive decision to switch her office with the spare bedroom. Fair enough. Even though she just painted her office... I come home today from snowmobiling, and 1/3 of the wallpaper is ripped off our bedroom walls. Yay! Now I get to look at tattered walls for the next six weeks, until we pick a paint color. And by we, I mean she, as I'm not allowed to pick paint colors. I've picked too many horrible ones in the past. Although its probably a good thing that she started peeling the wall paper, otherwise we would have just kept putting it off and never done it.
I would just like to point out that as much as the boy claims I started it, he picked at it first and showed how easy it was. So I has to start it! and I have been productive since and peeled a lot off, and not just the easy stuff, but scrapping at it too. and patching loose plaster! granted the room now looks like a disaster and I have no color ideas for the room yet!
What colors are you thinking of? I want before and after pics! I hope you both are doing well! :)
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