Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Just another day..

Nothing all that exciting to report on. Work's work, home is home.. Although for all of you out there who care, I bought a new surround sound system today. Nothing all that fancy or high tech, just basic for what I need for our smallish living room. I think I might try to sell my old system (that still works fine, but doesn't want to talk with my tv) on ebay. I'm going to run the wires this weekend to connect the two rear speakers. Gotta go thru the wall, down into the basement and back up on the otherside of the room. Hopefully I won't make too many holes in the wall..
Anyone out there see the Jerry O'Connell video spoof of Tom Cruise? I highly recommend you take five minutes to watch it. Hilarious stuff..
Remember the town in Texas that saw all the UFO's last week? Well the Air Force solved the mystery for us! A week after saying there were no planes in the air that night, they're now saying there was. How nice of them to change their story to fit their needs. I'm not saying that UFO's were hanging around Texas, but I seriously doubt it was F-16's or whatever.
So every day, I find myself turning a little more into my dad. Not that that's a bad thing (I just hope I don't go quite as gray though, sorry dad), but it just means I'm progressing in age. I say things he used to say (when wrestling, "no neck! no neck!" or "man o' man alive" when in awe of something) but now I'm pulling a truly original Mr. Morrissey trait. Wearing not one, but two sweatshirts at a time cuz I'm too cheap to turn up the heat. (we keep the house between 58 and 62). Like I said, its not a bad thing at all, my dad's a great man, but its scary cuz I don't want to get old like him!
So there was an article in the Bangor Daily News today about how a local landfill is having methane powered engines installed, so that they can produce electricity. They say that the gas will produce enough power to light 3000 or so homes. I don't understand why more landfills don't take advantage of this. Sounds like easy money for them, and an effective way of avoiding pollution while producing electricity.
I use the word "so" a lot when starting a new paragraph huh. I also use the "..." a lot too. I think I need to tighten up my writing style some.
Sad to hear about Heath Ledger huh. I liked most of the movies he was in, and am really looking forward to the new Batman movie this summer. I hope it wasn't suicide or an overdose, maybe he was just sick, had a heart issue that went undetected, who knows...


Rob said...

Congrats on the surround sound!
Make sure you run the audio wires (optical optical optical!) straight from the sources (cable box, DVD, etc) into the receiver. These TVs can't take in 5.1 and spit out 5.1 audio, so definitely don't run audio straight from the TV to the receiver.

What did you end up getting, btw?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to make sure your father sees this blog entry!!!!!
