So apparently I've been slacking and haven't been writing as much lately. That's mostly due to the fact that I haven't had anything all that interesting to write about. I don't know if you'll find any of the following interesting, but I'll try to spice it up as much as possible to make it seem interesting...
- Friday night the wife and did the whole dinner and a movie thing, or more precisely, movie and dinner. We saw I Am Legend. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I was really expecting so much more. The plot was pretty predictable, but there were a couple of "jump out of your seat moments". Overall, I'd spend the the $8 we spent, but I wouldn't spend a penny more. I'd wait for it to come out on dvd. And speaking of the $8, I was the only person in line who didn't pay with cash. I can't remember the last time I saw someone pay cash at a movie and not just use their debit card or whatever. Anyway, after the movie we hit the Texas Roadhouse for some dinner. It was our second visit, and unlike our first visit (where we waited over an hour for a table) we were seated immediately. I think we may have had the nicest waitress ever too, as she was extremely polite, didn't bug us too much and was just generally very friendly. Both food and drink were tasty (the misses says they make great drinks, I stick to the beer). I think the trick with that place is (because its so popular) to go later for dinner, like after say 7:30 or so.
- Saturday, not much to report on. We went to Home Depot (where I have quite a bit in gift cards to use). I was hoping to buy a new toy (read: new tool), but that didn't happen and I ended up buying a new doorbell and more insulation. Exciting stuff huh. That night was spent watching License to Wed and the Celtics game. Great game if you caught it. As for the movie.... those of you who know me, know that I like the occasional chick flick; don't know why, but I just do. The problem is though, that they tend to fire me up. I can't stand it when the people break up for the stupidest little things or clearly someone else is trying to sabotage their relationship and they can't see it. For some reason it gets me yelling at the movie and generally ruining the flick for anyone I watching it with. Just add it to my list of faults :)
- I forgot to mention this the other day... New years eve this year was the anniversary of my first alcoholic drink. Weird that I remember that huh. So I'd like to thank my cousins L&J and the couple of friends that were there for starting me down the road to drunkenness. Thankfully I've changed a little since then and now I really can't even remember the last time I was drunk (and no, its not due to blacking out).
- I think we're addicted to home improvement shows. We're always watching TLC, Discovery, HGTV (which is now in HD too, with different programing than the regular HGTV) DIY Network or Discovery Home. Is there some support group or something out there we can join to get help? "Hi, I'm J, and I'm addicted to home improvement shows." (all) "Hi J."
- So I got a hair cut the other day, and later that night I was brushing my teeth and happen to catch my reflection in the mirror. I'm turning into my father!!(only much better looking of course) GRAY hairs abound! I would just like to thank my gene pool though, for getting my moms hair (not sure which color it is naturally, but its light) and not my dads (dark dark hair) which shows the gray a whole lot more. So instead of having salt and pepper hair, its more like salt and sand.
- The wife and I had a running joke/bet going... we joke that my Aunt S is going to get herself a new snowmobile soon(that would bring the family total to three, which would then be four when I buy one for next year). I said sooner rather than later, and the wife said sometime in February or next winter. Well I won. You'll never see me on it though, as I'm not ready for that much speed/power. I'll stick to cousin D's sled thank you very much. This means though, that I really need to buy my own helmet. I think I'm going to go with something really colorful like orange...
- Speaking of snowmobiles. My phone rang at 9am this morning, but it was upstairs and I was downstairs so I didn't answer it (thankfully my sleeping wife was up there to bring it down to me though). I figured it was cousin D calling to get me to come over to go for a ride. I was half right, wasn't my 12 year old cousin, it was my 45 year old uncle! Good times. So we headed over around noon and went riding. I tried taking some pictures, but our camera just stinks and doesn't zoom very well so they didn't come out all that great... After the first ride thru the fields (me, Aunt S, cousin D and my lovely wife), cousin D, Uncle D and I headed out down the trails. Not sure how long we were gone, but we covered about ten miles. Great time.. I HAVE to get me a sled...

- So next Saturday, Jacksonville at New England. Can't wait. 8pm start, should be a good game. The Pats have trouble stopping the run at times and Jags love to run the ball. Between the Pats and the Celtics, is there a better time to be a Boston sports fan?!?!?
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