- So I'm driving down the street the other day, and guess what I saw... Apparently the circus was in town and this guy was just hanging out in the parking lot.

Today at work, someone brought in baby ducks. I have no idea why, but they did. The wife was so excited for it, she came into see them. Never comes to see me, but comes right over, in the pouring rain no less, to see the ducks.

- Check it out! The dude in the commercial is my brother in law. Good stuff huh.
- So would somebody please explain to me why these super delegates exist? If we vote for our candidate of choice during primary season, why is it that these people exist just to turn the whole process on its head? So for quite a while now, it hasn't really mattered who the people vote for because the super delegates can vote for whomever they want, whether its the leader or not. Doesn't make much sense to me really.
- And what's up with this pastor guy. It's like he's going out of his way to help Obama lose. Most of his views are so far out there, I don't know how anyone can really take him seriously though. (US gov't invented AIDS to kill blacks.. riiiiiight)
- No good tv on tonight, so we watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I've always been a fan of the movie. Not the best of movies obviously, but entertaining, and that's what matters.
- Good dinner last night. Haddock baked with olive oil, garlic, thyme and some bread crumbs. Simple, but always tasty.
Super delegates exist because most Americans who vote are ignorant. Tip O'Neill was once asked why he didn't always vote as his constituency wanted and he replied "because they have no idea what they want". For years I hated him for saying that but now I understand completely.
As to Rev Wright, you need to understand that Mr Obama listened to this guy for 20 years and now denies Wright is the same man. I somehow doubt that he has changed much. You will learn that all politicians, including Barack, are out for themselves and their own special interests, which may not include you.
As Churchill said, If you are not a liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you are not conservative at 40, you have no brain.” You're a tweener.
The Cynic....
I love the juxtaposition of these first two comments ... ha!
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