So those of you who have known me for a while, know that I'm very close to my two younger brothers. Being as close as we are, you also know that I try to take any and every opportunity to embarrass them publicly.
Ignore the beer in this three month old picture. Notice the obvious bald spot. Note that I am 31 and married, so those two items factor into my

My brother on the other hand. He's only 26... not married... but check out the bald spot!!! And his was captured by the Boston Globe! (he's a cop in our home town. big big fire there this morning and a photographer snapped this picture)

Sure, he may be cooler than me
cuz he gets to carry a gun and all that. But at least I have more hair!!! I mean look at that thing! He should totally get that spray on hair coloring stuff to cover it up. No wait, even better, convert to Judaism so you can wear the little beanie
yamaka thing! That should do the trick.
The funny part is, no one is bald on either my mom or my dads side of the family, just the two of us. My youngest brothers hairline goes from his eyebrows down the back of his neck. That kid is like Sasquatch...he never has to worry about going bald. I on the other hand, am just waiting for it to get worse so I can just go ahead and shave my entire head. Low maintenance is the way to go.
Jay ease up! It's all about the angle that picture was taken... it must be some type of reflection!!! Not even sure its me... haha.. thanks a lot!!!!!!
Too funny! I bet your bro is thrilled you put this on the internet :)
could have done without the sasquatch comment
Wow giving it to the younger brothers! Wouldn't be to surprised if they show up and give you that balded look you want. Ah you think you're safe in god awful Maine??
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