On a lighter note, I'm thinking of shaving my head again. I know it doesn't look quite right on me, but its the lowest of low maintenance, which I like, and I think I look quite fetching bald. Plus, Mother Nature is really moving me in that direction anyway.
So here's a picture of me and my two brothers. Both of them have shaved heads, and they can pull it off, right?
So here's me and the wife, a couple of years ago at a friends wedding. I think I look pretty good there, if I do say so myself. The wife is sick of listening to me talk about it, so at this point she couldn't care less either way. Thoughts?
In other news... good to see my old stomping grounds of Framingham back in the news...
Did you see that the Yankees banned ice cream and candy and other junk foods from their locker room? They're replacing them with dried fruit, granola (gotta stay regular!) and other healthy snacks. Apparently their manager thought they weren't eating healthy enough. So what happens if someone gets caught smuggling in a Snickers or some Sour Patch kids? Does he bench them? Fine them? Can you imagine getting fined for eating candy.. I don't think so...
I listen to ESPN radio up here while at work. Although now in the afternoons I have to switch to ESPN radio.com. You see.. local high school baseball comes on the airwaves around three, and it trumps ESPN, so it's either that or switch to dot com. Dot com it is.
A new study showed that you should say about 17000 words a day to your baby. But at the same time, sitting them in front of the tv is bad? What's the difference?
Anyone else see this study? It says that at one point in time, there were only like 2,000 humans left on the planet. Two thousand people?? Its a good thing that the guy who invented HDTV's family was among those who survived and thrived. I don't know what I'd do without it!
If you're not watching the Hornets-Mavs series, I highly recommend you check out a game before its over. Chris Paul is playing the best basketball of anyone in the past ten years right now.
Good Celtics win last night. Atlanta was never really in the game, and probably never will be for the remainder of the series. The Garden fans heckling Bibby were hysterical though. "Rhondo's Better", "Where Is Bibby", I love it. He should have made the comments after last nights game, that way he wouldn't have to deal with the crowd until next year.
Renting a rototiller this weekend. We're going to rip up the back yard and start from scratch. No one has paid any attention to the yard in years, and its just a mess of weeds with a splash of grass thrown in there. This way we can rip it up, start fresh and plant things we know will grow. We still haven't picked out stones for our patio or retaining wall though. And I gotta say that I'm really not looking forward to ripping up some of our driveway. No idea how I'm going to go about that..
Jay if you want somtime this weekend you can comover and we will take the truck and trailer over and get the grass leaves etc. ect. David
Did you know you look like Toby from The Office? Especially in the wedding picture....
ouch...not cool..
so you can take a shot at me, but you're too chicken to post your name "anonymous".. i see how it is haha
Sarah does look like Hermione!
Anonymous is right! You are totally getting called Toby from now on!
Moving to Costa Rica, Toby?
looks like its been shaving itself for a while there big guy
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