Where to start, well this morning we went and picked up the newest member of our household..
Yep, apparently the misses and I have in fact gone batsh*t crazy and picked up another animal. When we were at the shelter, Sarah just didn't have it in her to leave the kitten in the cage all by herself, so now she's ours. Which brings the official tally to 4 cats, making us officially nutso.
Moving right along.. we went with the family and some of their family and then some, to the Blue Hill Fair today. Great time. Unfortunately, we forgot the camera, fortunately I had my phone with me.
Who doesn't love alpacas.
Little cousin J.D (that's your new nickname, john deere), the misses and a ginormous pig. Try to guess which one is which..and yes, I will be sleeping on the couch tonight, but its comfy so its ok.

We had a great time. Tons of animals to see including the above pics plus horse harness racing, mini horses, pig races, ugly pig races (ducks), cows, llamas (not to be confused with the lamas from last Saturday night), roosters, chickens, and more.
Also, because its a fair, that means fair food. Fried everything and then some. I only had a hot dog, curly fries, cotton candy and a funnel cake though, but everyone else indulged in what I didn't. Fried dough, sausage peppers and onions, hamburgers, dots ice cream, regular ice cream and even pad thai were tried. Needless to say, none of us will be eating anytime soon.
I'm kind of sad to say that neither the misses or I went on any of the rides, we were too stuffed, and lots of food and spinning objects do not go together.
So far, great weekend, with two full days left to go!
Four cats!! Wow! Good luck to you both! ;)
And thank you for the pictures of the sheep. They are awesome! What a fun fair!
So you have effectively doubled the number of your cats since you've been up in Maine?
Are you trying to kill me when I visit?!?!
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