Saturday, we were all up early (by early I mean 830) and eventually showered and headed to breakfast. (mental note, don't take the 4th shower in the morning. there's not enough hot water to go around) Ern commented on how she hadn't slept that well in forever because its so quiet up here and they closed the shutters in the guest room which blocked out all the light and noise. Glad we could accommodate you guys :) Anyway, we headed to Nicky's Diner for some breakfast. Not the most amazing food I've ever had, but definitely very good, and its a cool place to go cuz of all the memorabilia on the walls etc.
Here's where the tour of Bangor begins. So we left there, and headed over to my uncles house to see the horses. Of course Eileen (who I introduced to my cousin as Elaine for some reason. I don't even know anyone named Elaine, sorry about that) brought her camera and took lots of pics, but I of course didn't have my camera, so no pics were taken by me. After hanging out there for a bit it was off to see Paul Bunyan. Yep, a 31 foot high statue of Paul Bunyan just outside downtown. Here he is..

There was an antiwar rally about to start, but thankfully we avoided all the crazies there, snapped a couple of pictures and headed to our next stop, Steven King's house. We drove by, turned around, stopped in front of his mammoth house, snapped a couple of pics and headed on our way. There was actually a car in front of us doing the same exact thing, so we didn't look all that staulkery or anything.
At the conclusion of our tour, Ern had to leave for a wedding, so Sarah, Eileen and I headed out to grab a sandwich and take a walk down the waterfront. Upon arriving back home, we watched the rest of the Notre Dame game and Eileen left for home, sad (she's an ND alumna and they stink).
That night my two cousins came over and we watched Mission Impossible 3. Euh, wasn't all that great, so next time the cousins can pick the movie. We bought tons of food, popcorn (which David ate nearly the entire package of. It amazes me how much food a 12 year old can consume), Doritos's and various candies, but we ate hardly any of it, which means we have all this crap sitting around the house now. Which means I'll eat it. Not good.
Sunday was spent being lazy, doing homework (Sarah), watching football (me), and generally just hanging out. We did go to my cousins football game, which is always fun, then for a walk around the neighborhood. We also found out that the old textile mill down the street, has been purchased and rezoned for condos, which is fantastic. It looks like crap now, but hopefully they'll do a great job redoing it, and it'll send our property value up!
We finally got around to watching The Reaper. Its a new show on the WB on Tuesday nights I think. Well written, funny, good cast, so we gave the season pass on the tivo. If you don't watch anything else Tuesday's, I'd give this show a shot. And as a bonus, Spanish from Old School has a costaring roll which is pretty sweet for him.
Not much else to report on. Sorry I'm not more interesting. Next week I get to help my uncle spread manure, so that should lead to an interesting story or two...
1 comment:
I had a great time- thanks for having us! Haven't put up my photos yet but will do so soon.
Oh, and I think you called me Elaine because of my dancing.
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