Wednesday, August 8, 2007


So Barry Bonds finally hit 756 last night. Doesn't really bother me that he broke the record. Sure, we all assume that he was/is all juiced up, but so were/are a great percentage of other players, including pitchers. In 20 years, people are just going to look back on this era of baseball as the steriod era, and they're going to take all the records with a grain of salt. Its not like we're going to forget Hank Aaron (who, in my opinion, is still a better ballplayer than Bonds). Aaron and Ruth both hit their homeruns when hitting more than 25 in a season was considered huge. Bonds plays at a time where hitting 40 is no big deal anymore. The game has changed, chicks dig the long ball as they say. So congrats to Bonds, I guess, enjoy while you can (until ARod overtakes him in 5 years)

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