After work, Sarah and I hit the gym, then decided to go to Target to buy some duraflame logs for our new outdoor fireplace. Fantastic idea, well maybe not so much for the other people in Target that were unfortunate enough to catch a whiff of me in all my post gym glory. So we came home, made dinner (boneless pork ribs in olive oil, salt, pepper and a touch of garlic cooked on the grill, macaroni with olive oil, apple sauce and a glass of Chardonnay) which was very tasty, and sat outside and ate by our new fire. The way life should be..

Now all you Maine Morrissey's, c'mon by and feel free to enjoy our new outdoor "patio", although it doesn't quite have the view of Uncle Dennis' porch or the solitude of Uncle Barney's yard, it'll definitely do for now.
I love your patio! Those chairs look so comfortable! Maybe when we visit we can sleep out there... or maybe we'll just roast marshmallows and come back inside. ;)
Looks great, you guys!
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