Last night, the misses and I took a ride to the Bangor Humane Society. TONS of animals, so if you're looking for a cat or dog (for those of you in Maine who read this) that's the place to go. Being the bleeding hearts that we are, we of course wanted to adopt another animal. You have to have no soul not to be effected by those shelters. Tons of animals just looking for a home, c'mon...never mind the look the misses gets on her face, pure sadness and compassion. Thankfully, them closing at 6 didn't allow us enough time to go thru with it, so we went home and enjoyed a normal night at home.
However, we went back at lunch today, and I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our household... Zoey

So there you go, let the jokes begin. I'm now a crazy cat person, along with my wife. Although if we ever got divorced, she'd be stuck with the cats, and instantly would become a crazy cat lady, which is like a dating death sentence, so I've got that going for me which is pretty sweet.
The added bonus is, that for all you people that really have no interest in coming to visit, but kinda feel like you should, this gives you an excuse not too. Everyone seems to be allergic to cats these days, so having 3 cats (but a cat free guest room) is a good excuse :)
Off to the Power of Ten, followed by Mythbusters.
Let the jokes begin...
1 comment:
What a cutie!! Can't wait to see more pictures! Congrats on the new addition.
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