In other news, we got confirmation that Sarah's parents are coming up to visit in November. Our first returning visitors! See! Its not so bad up here hahaha. I think maybe they're just coming up to check on us though, make sure I haven't become an alcoholic, as I do write about beer an awful lot.
So I went grocery shopping today.. that's not the important part. Ya know how there's always girl scouts or some charity hanging outside the supermarket, asking for money? I never carry cash on my anymore, so when they ask me for money and I say I don't have any, they always look at me like I'm the lying antichrist. But more to the point, who pays with cash at the grocery store anymore? Whens the last time you saw someone buy groceries and count out the bills to pay. 1993? I sure can't remember the last time. I think those charities or whatever need to start setting up shop outside banks and ATM's. That's where the money's at.
Steak for dinner tonight. Cooked on top of the stove, in a little olive oil with assorted spices. If I didn't over cook it, it would have been excellent. I love to cook, but I always seem to overcook things. Like that innate 6th sense internal cooking timer, I wasn't born with it. Ohh well.
I'm officially a Mainer now! I received my Maine license in the mail yesterday. We didn't check the mail until today, hence me not being able to buy beer last night. I have my license now, so I can go buy all the beer, porn, lottery tickets and cigarettes I want!
Earlier today, Sarah asked me if I had seen Minnie (one of the cats) recently. I said that I hadn't, so she went upstairs to look for her. She yells down to me that she can hear her, but can't find her anywhere.. Just as I get upstairs, Sarah yells from the bathroom, and I see her half hanging out the window. Turns out, Minnie had pushed the bathroom screen out and jumped out the window! About 4 feet below the window is the roof above part of the dining room, so Minnie was just on top of the roof (about 15 feet off the ground) meowing away, looking for help. So Sarah reached out the window and plucked her up and off the roof. Needless to say, that window is never getting opened again. Here's the window, and the loose screen. The screen needs to be fixed/replaced as the little latch on one side is missing apparently.

Now for the most important part of my Sunday... Game 7!!!
1 comment:
I still pay for groceries with cash! You know, for mini hotdogs and stuff. If it costs less than $20, I definitely pay cash.
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