Sidenote: I've got a buddy who's in San Diego right now with his wife. (she has a conference for work) Apparently he's got a thing for disasters. A year after Katrina, we went to New Orleans for his bachelor party. Unbelievably good time, but we felt a little guilty as you could still see the water marks on the sides of some of the buildings. (never mind the hundreds of cars still sitting under the highway) Now he's in southern California, right near the wild fires. Apparently he's got a thing for partying in depressed areas. What's next, a trip to the beaches of the Caribbean?
Moving right along, Saturday, we started the floor. The 3rd floor has been painted, except for the trim, so it was time to start sanding the floor. $50 to rent the floor sander for the day, not too bad. So after we spend 20 minutes trying to figure out how to attach the sandpaper to the sander (you don't attach anything, the weight of the machine holds it in place), the real work begins. I did all the sanding, while Sarah took up the last piece of carpet tack strip that was still down.

Saturday night was spent doing the same thing millions of other people were doing, watching the Red Sox game. While I was doing the floors/watching the game, Sarah cooked. She made a fantastic chicken pot pie for dinner. (thanks Lisa for the recipe)
Sunday I attacked the floors again, this time focusing on the small hall outside the 3rd floor room. We're most likely going to have a runner on the stairs and continuing to the doorway of the room, so this floor doesn't have to be as perfect. Which is good, cuz its in HORRIBLE condition. Sarah had a pretty bad headache and lots of homework to do, so I went outside and tackled the leaves. I noticed that they're more yellow than in years past. I seem to remember raking lots of orange leaves in the past, but who knows. The best part is up here you don't have to put them in bags and wait for the leave collection. All you need to do is pile them like a column on its side, along the street and they have this truck with a giant leaf vacuum that comes along and sucks them all up. Nice huh. Made my job a lot easier.
Tonight Sarah made a chicken soup for dinner. Normally I don't think that soup is a meal, after all, when you go to a restaurant its on the same page as the appetizers, right? But this was so full of yummy goodness, that it was definitely a meal.
On a completely unrelated note, I would like to thank my parents for the ah ha! phone call I received today. Dad had tix to the Patriots game, and took mom (he totally should have taken me, his first born and favorite child). While they were in the pregame tent eating and drinking for free, they felt the need to call me and rub it in. So thanks guys.. .jerks.. :)
And finally, two new beers to report on: (well one new, one new to the blog)
1. Weyerbacher Blanche - its a white beer, which its a Belgium ale. I'm a big fan of this type of beer, and this hit the spot. There wasn't as much bite to it as there is in some other white beers. Its light in color and goes down very smooth. Overall, I'd give it an 8 on the Jayscale.
2. Dogfish Head Punkin Ale - Fantastic stuff. I had it while eating the chicken pot pie Sarah made and it complimented it perfectly (ever Sarah agreed, and she really doesn't like beer) The spices (pumpkin, brown sugar, allspice, cinnamon and nutmeg) were all very evident with every sip. Its a brown ale, so its a darker color, goes down very smooth and actually tasted better while eating, than on its own. Overall, I'd give this one a 9 on the Jayscale. Dogfish Head is one of the better beer makers on the market right now. I'd recommend most of their beers.
Anyway, time to finish up, I've taken up too much of your time as it is. Sox start in an hour and a half, so here comes another late night...
1 comment:
There are certain times in life when your parents are allowed to get back at you for whatever past transgressions you may have gotten away with....this is one of those times!!!!
BTW.....had a blast!!!!! (and no fair asking Dad if he did!!!)
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